St. Robert's Church Bulletin, January 2, 2000

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

January 23, 2000
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners,

Below is the second part of the article on the Mass. As I said last week, it will help you come to the Eucharist for proper reasons.

The ritual of the Mass involves many symbolic gestures. The priest marches in procession to indicate that we are pilgrim people moving in the present to a glorious future. We stand to show our basic dignity as children of the Father. We kneel to show our reverence and thanksgiving and to humbly adore our Lord. We eat and drink from the table of the Lord to show we are community. We pray together. We sing in celebration and praise the Lord.

A common question asked about the Mass centers on the Sunday Obligation. In the early church celebrating the Eucharist was a privilege. But as the centuries progressed, the church had to pass a law to remind Catholics of their obligation to worship the Lord weekly in the Eucharist. This law of Sunday observance became universal in the 11th century. It is based on Jesus’ own mandate to break bread in His name. Weekly attendance at Sunday or Saturday evening Mass is now a fundamental aspect of Catholic life. But to see why this is so we must avoid the mentality which considers attendance at the Eucharist as simply another obligation.

Going to Mass, even when it is difficult to do so or when we simply do not feel like going, is to show love to God and to our fellow Catholics. We add nothing to the community by our absence; we give by attending. We share ourselves and publicly proclaim that we want to worship and thank God for everything He has given us, especially our salvation through His Son Jesus.

Father Ring


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The spring session of RENEW 2000 will begin on Sunday, March 5th. Celebrate the JUBILEE YEAR by becoming part of a small discussion group for 6 weeks. Sign up Sunday for Spring will be Sunday, February 13th, after all the Masses. Everyone is welcome to join regardless of whether you have been part of this process before. The process is very flexible. Take couples with small children, for example. The men would meet one night; the women the next. Baby-sitting solved.

Please phone me at 589-2800 with any questions.

Father Morris


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Monday 6:30 Joan Hutchinson †
8:30 Danny Aiello (L)
Tuesday 6:30 Frank McGovern †
8:30 Noelle Lille †
Wednesday 6:30 Marilyn Christen (L)
8:30 Sister Cabrini (L)
Thursday 6:30 Janet Sekols †
8:30 Noelle Lille †
Friday 6:30 No Intention
8:30 Noelle Lille †
Saturday 8:30 Patrick Donegan †
4:30 Nancy Goldstein †
Sunday 7:30 Bernardo Mocelin †
9:00 Nancy Camilleri †
10:30 Elena Matteucci †
12:00 Robert Farrington †
5:30 People of St. Robert's

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Deuteronomy 18:15-20; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mark 1:21-28

"Heads Up!"

A very ancient tradition in some parts of the world on the Feast of Epiphany is to sing a solemn declaration of dates for the movable feasts of the Church. This brief notice will have to suffice for us this year. So, heads up! Mark these dates on your calendar!

Thursday, April 20 - Sunday, April 23: The Easter Triduum (I hope you will come to all of the liturgies.)

Wednesday, March 8: Ash Wednesday, Lent Begins

Sunday, March 5: The fourth season of RENEW faith sharing begins and lasts for 6 weeks.

Wednesday, April 12: A special evening presentation of the Gospel of Mark. Not to be missed! - Pat Kelly

*We pray for the ill: Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Muriel Krause, Sister Cabrini, Don Vickery, Jeanne McHugh, Catherine Cook, Ann Burns, Imelda Daly, Margarita Velez, Marky, Marlyn Arancibia, Marcia Bourne, Sandra Dill, Millie Blazina & Randall Guerro.

Special prayers are requested in the coming weeks for Cyndy Smerdel who has been diagnosed with cancer.

*We pray for the repose of the souls of: Rena Maggio and George Pasila

As a Parish Community, We Pray
For those who are broken-hearted because of a loved one’s suffering. May they know God’s closeness and healing.



Please remember in your prayers this year’s RCIA class as they attend their retreat this weekend. These adults are preparing for their Easter Sacraments.


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We welcome the following people into the Parish Community of St. Roberts:

Lisa Kirkland and family
Michael and Maryann Jensen and family
Liz and Glenn Nash and family

We welcome you into St. Robert’s Family

and ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, in the mail, or at the parish office. We will mail a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups.


The Archdiocese Official Directory is available in the vestibule of the church in the magazine rack.



The Emergency Prayer Network continues to pray for specific problems that require a concerted effort due to their critical nature. To facilitate the network, please call Michele Pipinich. The network then prays frequently for the next 72 hours. We would appreciate a return call with the outcome so we can praise God for His faithfulness.



The St. Elizabeth-Maltese Society will hold the annual St. Paul of the Shipwreck Feast on Feb. 12th at St. Elizabeth Church in San Francisco. Location is at Somerset St. and Wayland St. Mass will be at 5:00 p.m. A sit down dinner will be held.

For tickets or further information contact Mary Sammut (415) 467-1686 or Margret Agius (415) 468-0971.


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SCRIP order forms are available in the vestibule, rectory or school office. Support our school!
Developing funds for Developing minds.

Cash for Class: If shopping at Tanforan, save your receipts or get your receipts stamped at the information booth on the 2nd floor. Our school has a chance of winning $2,000. You can also turn in your receipts to the school or rectory office.


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ANNUAL CRAB DINNER......Come and join the Men’s Club annual crab dinner on Feb. 5th. It all starts at 6:30 p.m. with no host cocktails. Dinner and dancing to follow til midnight. The price is $32.50 per person. Please call Mike Salvato for reservations at 873-6700.


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6:30-8PM, Legion of Mary.....Library
6:45-8PM, Religious Education .....Hall

7-9PM, RCIA.....Chapel
7-10PM, Grown-Up’s.....Library
7:30-9PM, School Board.....Hall

10-11:30AM, Fil/Am Choir.....Hall

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