St. Robert's Church Bulletin, August 6, 2000

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

August 6, 2000
The Transfiguration of the Lord


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As we read today’s
Gospel (Mark 9:2-10), seeking to see how these words apply to our lives at this time, in this place, these thoughts came to us:

The Transfiguration of Christ took place six days after He told His disciples that He was about to suffer greatly and die. Jesus knew it would not be easy to follow a crucified Messiah; to share in His fate and walk in His footsteps to the Hill of Calvary.

Each of us has his or her own personal cross to carry: loneliness, discouragement, the illness or pain we experience—be it ours or that of a loved one, rejection, grief. There are times when the cross is all that we can see. We ask ourselves: "Who do we say that Jesus is? Are we willing to accept Him when this means we must also accept His suffering?"

Jesus knows how difficult it is to follow His path. This is why He took three of His closest friends with Him to the mountaintop to give them a glimpse of the victory that is on the other side of the cross. Sometimes we, like Peter, wish we could stay on the mountaintops of life where we experience Jesus’ presence and feel spiritually on fire.

The most important element of the Transfiguration scene is not the dazzling appearance of Christ or Moses or Elijah, but the Father’s proclamation: "This is My Beloved Son. Listen to Him." He tells us who Jesus is and what we must do to experience eternal glory with Him.

The mountaintops of our lives are wondrous experiences; but where we need Jesus most is in our valleys of doubt and unbelief and so we pray together: "Lord, please be with us there." Then if we listen closely, we hear Jesus say to each of us: "I am with you always... I have called you by name... You are Mine and I love you".

Gene and Anna May


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Monday 6:30 Lindsey James Carey †
8:30 Patrick Monie †
Tuesday 6:30 Jim Presta †
8:30 Pat Forbush †
Wednesday 6:30 Tony Fardella †
8:30 Dorothy Burch †
Thursday 6:30 Mike Borras †
8:30 Nora Ensor †
Friday 6:30 Eugene J. Martin †
8:30 Charles Agius †
Saturday 8:30 Paul & Rosina Vella †
4:30 People of St. Robert's
Sunday 7:30 Mary Figone †
9:00 Ivica Palisic †
10:30 Frank & Ann Cericola †
12:00 Domenica Busceti †
5:30 Gary Yates †

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1 Kings 19:4-8; Ephesians 4:30-5:2; John 6:41-51


The political conventions will generate a lot of enthusiasm and excitement for their candidates during these weeks of August. They’re supposed to. Their images and messages are carefully tailored for their audiences. These are their glory days. Liturgy is and isn’t like these conventions. The rites have been carefully tailored for our communal prayer. The images and symbols we use can be very powerful, going to the heart of our lives. Yet even as we encounter the living Presence of Christ in each other, in the Word, in the priest, and in Eucharist, we still don’t always get excited about it. Part of it is because we’re not putting on a show. Liturgy is not done by the ministers for an "audience." It’s done by everyone gathered there in the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe, also, that most of the time God chooses to reveal the glory of Christ to us in hidden ways. Our glory, which is Christ’s glory, has yet to be fully revealed. Unless, of course, we choose to reveal it by how we love one another. O say, can you see it? - Pat Kelly

We are pleased to have married: Vincent Thomas Alas and Felicia Vu Pham Congratulations!

Pray for the ill: Marlyn Arancibia, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Sister Cabrini, Arthur Candia, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, William & Sandra Dill, Adela Florez, Elsie Grech, Randall Guerro, Denise Hawald, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Marky, Rosemary McHale, Jeanne McHugh, Terry McLeod, Richard Quintana, Cyndy Smerdel, Bill Strehl, Margarita Velez, Terry Kollerer, Josephine Lavoie, & Don Vickery.

As a Parish Community, We Pray
for the people of God...may the light of Jesus’ glory shine within us and lead us through the darkness of this world to the radiant joy of our eternal home.


Our sincere sympathy to the family of
Peter Capodonica and Edna Meyer
who recently passed away.



The following is the Altar Server Schedule for August 12 & 13
4:30 PM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12 Noon
5:30 PM
J. Ribero
K. Caughman
C. Wooley
M. Viscara
D. Chun
T. Marcelino
J. Hageman
K. McCarthy
G. Galletta
J. Carrillo
C. Giusti
L. Valle


Kay Sweeney, a representative of Mission Guatemala a project of the Kateri Tekak with a Mission Fund, was here on July 23rd after all the Masses with some beautiful handicrafts. She sends her thanks for the over $800 the parishioners of St. Roberts contributed to the needy. God bless you all!



The Emergency Prayer Network continues to pray for specific intentions that require a concerted effort due to their critical nature. To facilitate the network, please call Michele Pipinich. The network then prays frequently for the next 72 hours. We would appreciate a return call with the outcome so we can praise God for His faithfulness.



It is our pleasure again to assist the San Mateo county Aids Clinic with their lunch program. We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch item for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children’s Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9:15 AM on August 9th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated; they will be saved for a day when their food is provided. Thanks for all your help - it is much appreciated.



We are looking for a couple of volunteers to do weed removal at 2 locatison in the schooly yard. Contact Danny Murtagh at r 589-2800 and leave name and number to review and schedule work.



How do we say Thank you to the people of St. Robert’s? Words are not adequate. All of you have made such an acute impact in our family’s life, and the support has been overwhelming, so unexpected. The homecooked meals, housecleaning, letters and cards made a difficult situation much easier. I wonder, how can I say Thank you for the power of prayer? The parishioners of Saint Roberts have the power and may not know it. I offer myself as living proof. I wouldn’t be here if not for your powerful prayers. Always remember, God is good, and prayer can change anything.

Love Terry, Cyndy, Danica, & Jack Smerdel


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PARISH PICNIC Countdown.....3 weeks to go. Mark your calendars for August 26th at HIGH NOON at Beckner Shelter.

Please join us today, Sunday, August 6th.....following 5:30 p.m. Mass, at Hennessey Hall for a reception in honor of Sandy Murtagh to thank her for years of dedication to the Teen Club.

MEN’S CLUB.....meeting Tomorrow August 7th, in the Hall at 6:00 p.m.

SOCIABLES.....Mark your calendar for our next get-together on August 27th. It will be at the Little Whale on Broadway in Millbrae next to Mervyn’s. You will be able to choose and pay for your entree. For reservations, call Bunny at 583-7627. See you there!!

PARISH FESTIVAL......Plans are being made for this year’s annual parish festival, "Hollywood Nights", which will be on September 22, 23, & 24, and as always, the Barbecue and Food Booths are in need of your help. Most shifts are for 2 hours, but you can work as many as you like, and on all 3 days. The menu includes: delicious BBQ tri-tip steak sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, polish sausages, Domino’s Pizza, nachos, soft drinks, candy, & much more. If you can help in any way, please contact Louise & Ray Downs. Thank you.

ALSO - Craft booth needs craft items and workers. Call Sandy Murtagh or Carmen Pisani.


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6-10PM, Men’s Club .....Hall

6:30-8:00PM, Legion of Mary.....Lib

9-10AM, Grief Group.....Convent Chapel

7:30-9PM, Fil/Am.....Hall

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