St. Robert's Church Bulletin, November 12, 2000

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

November 12, 2000
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners,

Last week one of our vibrant young choir members, Claudine Wong Morris, suffered a brain aneurysm while dining with her husband Gary and died. She was a member of Holy Angels Parish in Colma and also joyfully sung at Mass there. Father John Cloherty concelebrated her funeral Mass there with our Father Marini. Our liturgist Patrick Kelly attended.

On Saturday we celebrated the Memorial Mass for George Rose - one of the first lectors, then, Eucharistic ministers, here at Saint Robert’s Parish. We extend our sympathy to their families, and we hand them over to the Lord whose worship here on earth they enhanced by their full, active, and conscious participation in the Mass.

Father Morris



Starting Nov. 17th
For more information, call the Rectory at 589-2800 or Sister Ita at 583-2544.


Attention, speakers of a language other than English
We are preparing a Christmas Proclamation and intercessions in various languages for our Christmas Eve liturgies. If you would like to help enflesh the Word in your native tongue, please call Pat Kelly at 589-2800. Muchas gracias!


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Monday 6:30 Renata Gamberini †
8:30 All Souls †
Tuesday 6:30 All Souls †
8:30 Dora Villanueva †
Wednesday 6:30 All Souls †
8:30 Joseph Busuttil †
Thursday 6:30 All Souls †
8:30 Milan Kovacevic †
Friday 6:30 All Souls †
8:30 Philip Lee †
Saturday 8:30 All Souls †
4:30 Raymond Figolah †
Sunday 7:30 Thomas & Mary Ann Begley †
9:00 People of St. Robert's
10:30 Frank & Ann Cericola †
12:00 All Souls †
5:30 Giuseppe Pignati †

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Daniel 12:1-3 Hebrews 10:11-14. 18. Mark 13:24-32


As a Parish Community, We Pray...
On this Jubilee Day for the agricultural workers, we pray....that all who work in the fields to supply us with food receive the dignity they deserve and a fair living wage.

Pray for the ill : Marlyn Arancibia, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Sister Cabrini, Arthur Candia, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, William & Sandra Dill, Adela Florez, Elsie Grech, Randall Guerro, Denise Hawald, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Josephine Lavoie, Marky, Rosemary McHale, Jeanne McHugh, Terry McLeod, Richard Quintana, Mary Shick, Cyndy Smerdel, Margarita Velez, Kari Stellino, Don Vickery, Sharon Aiello, Ruth Sleeper, and Josie Clarke.


Our sincere sympathy to the families of
Claudia Wong Morris
Nancy Cereghino
Marvin Gardiner and
Ciss Santina Rommel
who recently passed away.


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To what kind of holiness is God calling us? Last week, the excerpt from the Constitution on the church said we are "called to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity." The bishops continued:

In order that the faithful may reach this perfection, they must use their strength accordingly as they have received it, as a gift from Christ. They must follow in his footsteps and conform themselves to his image, seeking the will of the Father in all things. (Lumen Gentium, #40)

There is a sacred, mystical, beautiful way of becoming holy. God alone is holy, and God alone makes us holy; yet we have to cooperate and give God the chance and the room to sanctify us. As Fr. Morris frequently says, "Who we are is God’s gift to us; what we make of ourselves is our gift to God." God shapes us in holiness in the immediate circumstances of our lives. The grace of God builds on who we naturally are. Our God-given strengths are the means by which we are called to love more perfectly. I’d bet most of us can see that. I’m most in reverent awe of the holiness in others when I see them doing what comes naturally to them . . . teaching a child, leading a meeting, playing a sport, being still, or being funny. Their love is effortless. -P.K.



During November, as we remember All Souls, a shrine of remembrance will be in place around the statue of Mary. Please feel free to leave at the shrine a memorial card, photo, or small memento of your loved ones who have died.



The Sisters of the Presentation will renew their vows at the 4:30pm Mass on Saturday, Nov. 18th, promising to love and serve God and His people. Their witness is an inspiration to all of us. They have brought us all closer to the Kingdom of God. Thank you, Sisters!


"Marthas" of Our Church

Have you ever wondered who works behind the scenes, taking care of all the many details that make our Eucharistic Celebration run smoothly? Who washes and irons altar linens and servers’ robes? Who removes wax from candelholders and carpet? Who polishes and keeps shiny candleholders? Who dusts the altar, ambo, Baptismal Font, piano and organ? Who keeps the sanctuary clean and tidy? We at St. Robert’s are blessed to have a group of lovely (but seldom seen) ladies who quietly and faithfully take care of our center of worship. They call themselves "The Marthas of our Church" - our Altar Society. Their annual meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 14th. If you feel the desire to serve Jesus and His people in this ministry, please call Gene and Anna May. The time commitment is only 4 to 8 mornings each year.


IT'S TURKEY TIME...well, sort of:

This Thanksgiving Season the members of our St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Robert’s are collecting Gift Certificates and Script for Albertson’s, Lunardi’s, Safeway, Molly Stone in lieu of frozen turkeys. Since some families either do not have the facilities for cooking turkeys or may prefer hams, chicken or vegetables, we feel that scrip and gift certificates would be more appropriate.

We will still be giving out canned food as in the past. Non-perishable food can be placed on the altar steps or in the vestibule of the church.

You may make out the certificates to St. Vincent de Paul and either mail them to the Rectory or drop them in the Rectory mailbox. Thanksgiving food and certificates will be given out on Saturday, November 18th.

Thank you for your support,
Wally Mooney, President



We still need some help with some weeding and pine needle clean up. If interested please call Danny Murtagh. Also a special thank you to the fathers who installed the school ceiling fans this summer.



Saturday, November 18. Tours every 30 minutes, from 1-3:30 PM. No reservations required. 1540 Ralston Ave., Belmont. Visit web site at or call (650) 595-1913, ext. 320



All 6th, 7th & 8th grade families are invited to Mercy High school’s parent-student Open House which will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 5th, at 7 p.m.


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WOMEN’S GUILD.....The November Meeting & Craft Night will be held on Monday, November 13th. Bring a friend and enter into a free drawing. Doors open at 6:30 pm, dinner at 7 pm. Call Heidi Cochrane to make your reservation.

FIL-AM celebrating its annual Holiday Dinner Dance, along with entertainment, on Nov. 18th, at the Sheraton in Burlingame. Tickets are available for purchase, after all the Masses, at the entrance of the Church. All are welcome to attend and begin the Holiday Season in supporting Fil-Am and St. Robert’s.

MEN’S CLUB.....2nd Annual Crab Cioppino Dinner Meeting Friday, Dec. 8th. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m.. $25 per person. Special Blackjack Tournament after dinner. Reservations a must. Call Steve Belluomini.


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1:30 - 3 pm, Cheerleading.....Hall
6 -10 pm, Women’s Guild Mtg.....Hall
7:30 - 8:30 pm, St. Vincent de Paul.....Library

3:30 - 8 pm, Religious Education.....Hall
6:30 - 8 pm, Legion of Mary.....Library
8 - 9 pm, Teen Club.....Hall/Kitchen

3 - 5 pm, Cheerleading.....Hall
7:30 - 9 pm, Bible Study.....Convent
7:30 - 9 pm, Liturgy Committee Mtg.....Mary’s Chapel

3:30 - 4:30pm, Religious Education.....Hall
7 - 9pm, RCIA.....Chapel
7 - 9pm, Parish Council....Library

3 - 5 pm, Cheerleading.....Hall
7 - 9 pm, Teen Club.....Hall

6 - 10 pm, In-Betweener’s.....Hall
Fil/Am Dinner Dance -Shearton Hotel, Burlingame

10 - 11:30 am, Fil/Am Choir .....Hall

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