St. Robert's Church Bulletin, August 22, 1999

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

AUGUST 22, 1999
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners,

Listening to today’s gospel we hear Peter’s great declaration of faith in response to Jesus question - Who do people say that I am? The question, a general one, was put by Jesus to the group of disciples. Initially the responses were varied and open ended.

Jesus comes back with a direct specific question - one that invited a personal response; Who do you say that I am? Spontaneously, Peter blurted out, you are Christ, the son of the living God. Peter wasn’t always the perfect disciple, he blew hot and cold in his relationship with Jesus. He had ups and downs, at times very brave, at other times cowardly. But Peter knew that Jesus loved him and believed in him - this never changed - it was the anchor in Peter’s life. As an affirmation of that belief and love, Jesus promised to make Peter the leader of the Church.

The essential question for each of us to think about during the week; Who is Jesus for me?. Let us make the question personal and the response personal. We will find an answer in prayer. It may take a while and a struggle but let us do so in faith knowing that we too, like Peter, are loved by and believed in by Jesus. I would suggest also this week and in the weeks ahead that we include the young people of the parish in our prayer. They too need to arrive at an answer to the question. Who is Jesus for them? Soon they will be returning to school, either elementary or high school, and many going to College. It would be encouraging for them to go forth knowing that they are cared about, prayed for and loved by their parish community at St. Roberts.

Sister Mary



Jeremiah 20:7-9; Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 16:21-27



"A New Comfort Zone"

The students from Columbine High School have been back in the news. Several have said the student body knows it must make more of an effort to be a unified group so that no student feels like an "outsider," like Eric and Dylan (the shooters) felt. Like most ideals, it will be easier said than done, but it is worth whatever effort they make.

Some of the Columbine students may already know that to establish that sense of unity will require that they step out of their "comfort zone." They won’t need to be buddy-buddy with every person in school, but they will have to be willing to say hello to anybody. The point of stepping out of the comfort zone is not to make themselves or others uncomfortable, but to establish a new comfort zone in which they can more easily accept others.

I hope for something similar to happen for us as we gather for Mass. Many of us tend to find a space to sit in church which is away from others because that is where we feel comfortable. I hope that we, as a community gathering for the Lord’s Supper, will be able to redefine our comfort zones so that sitting near others becomes comfortable. Why? Because I think it will make a big difference in the quality of our prayer, our singing, and our fellowship (which are not bad now, but I, too, am looking toward an ideal.) To make a change like this will be discomforting at first, but the Holy Spirit will make it worth the effort. -Pat Kelly


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Monday 6:30 Marie L. Samish †
8:30 Maria Gianni †
Tuesday 6:30 No Intention
8:30 Joseph Salvi †
Wednesday 6:30 No Intention
8:30 Cerira Lucarotti †
Thursday 6:30 Joseph Soldano †
8:30 Enese Parenti †
Friday 6:30 No Intention
8:30 Richard Kollerer †
Saturday 8:30 Salvatore Fenech †
4:30 Jane Lambert †
Sunday 7:30 Charles Agius †
9:00 Michael Steim †
10:30 Gennie Bosso †
12:00 Carlos Giovanni Foti †
5:30 People of St. Robert's

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**We pray for the ill: Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Muriel Krause, Sister Cabrini, Don Vickery, Jeanne McHugh, Catherine Cook, Ann Burns, Imelda Daly, Gene Martin, Margarita Velez, Marky, Marlyn Arancibia, Marcia Bourne, Sandra Dill & Linda Lombardi Callaja.

**We pray for the repose of the soul of: Lee Varnie (Mother of Jeannie Ibarra)

As a Parish Community, We Pray

The young men and women of our parish who are going away to college that they may know the thoughts and prayers of our faith community go with them.



The "6 week" classes are held Tuesday, 9/21, 9/27, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26 - 7:30 to 9:30 PM at St. Gregory Church in San Mateo. Call Joni Gallagher at (415) 242-9087 for further information.



Registration for all grades including K thru 5, Junior High and Confirmation have been mailed out to all families. We would appreciate receiving the completed forms at our office as soon as possible. Classes for students in K thru 5 will start Tuesday, Sept. 21st, and Thursday, Sept. 23rd. Students in Junior High and Confirmation Program will receive information in the mail regarding starting dates. For further information call the Religious Education office at 588-0477.

I thought you might enjoy reading the prose below that I found in The Tablet of England.
Sincerely, Father Ring

The living Spirit
God’s Pater Noster

My child who art on earth,
worried, lonely, tempted;
I know your name perfectly,
and I pronounce it to hallow it,
because I love you.
No, you are not alone, but lived in by me,
and together we are building the kingdom
which you are going to inherit.
I like you to do my will,
because my will is that you should be happy,
for the Glory of God
is a living human being.
Always count on me
and you will have bread for today;
do not worry,
I only ask that you should get used to
sharing it with your sisters and brothers.
You know that I forgive your trespasses
even before you commit them;
that is why I ask that you should do the same
to those who trespass against you.
so that you should never fall into temptation,
take my hand tightly
and I will deliver you from evil,
my poor dear child.


trans. Margaret Hebblethwaite (Carta a las Iglesias, 15 April, 1999)


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We welcome into our Parish Family the following people:

Fred & Alicia Garcia and family
William & Mary Alexander
Scott Ryan
Jennifer Momii
Dax & Linda LaGuardia and family
Deborah Helley & William Wilmek
Leonardo & Teresita Manera and family

We welcome you into St.Robert’s Family

and ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, in the mail, or at the Parish office. We will mail a New Parishioner Packet with information about the Parish, its organizations and groups.


Wednesday, September 1 at 7pm in Hennessy Hall

Learn about small faith communities within St. Robert’s that offer support and encouragement to know Jesus better and live the gospel messages. Bring your favorite dessert to share at this RENEW Evening. All current RENEW participants are welcome.


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St. Robert’s School needs a volunteer to coach a girl’s volleyball team. Please contact Dave Gestler.


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Our parish picnic will be held on Saturday, Aug. 28th, at 12:00 Noon at Beckner Shelter. Picnic lunch provided by the parish and pool reserved 4:30-6:30 p.m. Sign-up after Mass. Any questions or interested in helping call Trish Estelita or Carol Bonner.



are invited to attend a concelebrated Mass, at St. Mary’s Cathedral at 4:00 p.m. Saturday, September 5th, at 4:00 p.m. in honor of the Italian Catholic Federation 75th anniversary in San Francisco. The principal celebrant will be His Excellency Archbishop William Levada who will be joined at the altar by several visiting bishops.


Alumni, Family and Friends of St. Robert School

The 50th Anniversary of St. Robert’s School will be celebrated on Saturday, Sept. 11th. If you are not currently receiving the St. Robert School newsletter, Bears Repeating, or other school mailings, please let us know. We want to ensure that you are included in this very special celebration. We are also in need of addresses for those alumni who live out of the area, as well as school memorabilia. To help out or to get more information, please call the Parish Office at 589-2800.


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7-10PM, Grown-Ups.....Library

6:30-8P.M., Legion of Mary....Library

All Day, Parish Picnic....Beckner Shelter

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