St. Robert's Catholic Church |
1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Tel: (650) 589-2800 |
Dear Parishioners, Schools are very much on the mind of all people of our country - how to improve them, how to eliminate violence, how to convince more people of the value and the joy that comes from being a member of the teaching profession. Another topic that we will be hearing more of is that of school vouchers for children not going to public schools. At a future time, I will give you my personal feeling about that issue. It might surprise you! There is a topic that is of greater concern to me right now and that is an effort by the Archdiocese to raise thirty million dollars to build up an endowment for our Catholic Schools. Our Parish has been given a target of $207,000 by the Archbishop. Each family in the Parish will be asked over the next few months to make a pledge that can be paid over a three to five year period, depending upon the amount pledged. Any amount we raise over the target will remain with our Parish and will be used to build up our present school endowment and begin an endowment for our Religious Education Program (CCD). My dream would be that 300 families will make pledges of from $1,000 to $5,000. This would provide for the needs of the Archdiocese and would provide $100,000 for our own educational needs. You say impossible. Maybe not. If a family would pledge $28 a month (imagine the carton of cigarettes you stopped smoking) for three years that makes $1,000. As a result, a needy child will receive a scholarship to attend a Catholic School. In the coming weeks, think and pray about it. In the Sunday bulletins, I will write a brief history of why we have Catholic schools, why they have become so expensive and what we will do at St. Roberts to help those in need. Sincerely, |
"Question #4" Recently, Fr. Ring has shared with me many of your responses to question #4 on his recent Pastors Questionnaire regarding our intent to continue improving singing and participation in the liturgy. Your opinions are important and valuable. Thank you! There was a wide range of responses... Some love the new "Glory to God," some want to give it the old "heave-ho"...Some want to sing traditional hymns, and some want to sing more contemporary verse and refrain songs...etc. We have a great diversity of opinions, likes, and dislikes at St. Roberts and in the Church world wide about how we should gather together for worship. Praise God that we are still ONE worshiping family! Because of the wise counsel of your responses, I will take the next few weeks to explain a new plan our musicians are using for selecting songs for Mass. I will also try to explain why it is good to sing different parts of the Mass. -Pat Kelly |
**We are pleased to have married: Troy Torres & Danielle Denault and Frank Curcuro & Cynthia Piccini Congratulations! *We pray for the ill: Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Muriel Krause, Sister Cabrini, Don Vickery, Jeanne McHugh, Catherine Cook, Ann Burns, Imelda Daly, Gene Martin, Margarita Velez, Marky, Marlyn Arancibia, Marcia Bourne, Sandra Dill . As a Parish Community, We Pray For all who have attended or presently attend St. Roberts School and CCD Program...May they become compassionate, forgiving, loving followers of Jesus. |
RESPECT LIFE As believers how can we fail to see that abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide are a terrible rejection of Gods gift of life and love? And as believers, how can we fail to feel the duty to surround the sick and those in distress with the warmth of our affection and support that will help them always to embrace life. Pope John Paul II, homily at Trans World dome, |
Sign up for Renew 2000 today. Renew representative from our parish will be in front of Church to assist with sign up and to answer any questions. Small faith-sharing groups will begin in local homes in October. Renew can offer support and encouragement to get to know Jesus better and to live the gospel messages. Join now. |
Last call for Registration K-5, Junior High and
Confirmation. IMPORTANT: We are in need of a house to host an 8th grade evening class for Religious Education and a teacher also. If able to help please call Sister Mary at 588-0477. Catechetical Sunday will be celebrated nationally Sunday, Sept. 19th. Here at St. Roberts we will be commissioning all our Catechists at 9:00 a.m. Mass and/or 5:30 p.m. Mass. |
For all alumni of RCIA and those adults interested in receiving baptism, or Confirmation, please come to our Open House. You can stop in for five minutes or stay for two hours. The RCIA team welcomes you and will be available to answer any questions. Refreshments will be served. |
...... RAFFLE NEWS!!...Now available under the Big Top! Step right up and get your Festival Raffle tickets. $1.00 each or book of 35 for only $30.00! Youll feel like youre swinging on the big trapeze when you hear your name called as one of the big winners! Call Bob Baker to get your tickets today! ......CAKE BOOTH...No pies in the face....we need cakes in the Booth!!! The ever popular cake booth needs your help once again. In our efforts to raise funds for our Church and school, we are graciously requesting baked good contributions. Donations can include a variety of items such as cakes, cookies, brownies, or muffins. Use your imagination. Any contributions you can make will be greatly appreciated. For more information please call Sue Belluomini or Clare Bouey-Suen. .....CRAFT BOOTH NEEDS HELP!...We need craft items to fill our booth. All kinds of craft items are welcome. We also need workers to help with the shifts. If you need hours please call Sandi Murtagh or Carmen Pisani |
Come and meet other young adult Catholics of the Arch of SF....FALL FEST 99 Sat. Oct. 23rd at USF from 8:30 a.m.-11 p.m. with Bishop John Wester as keynote speaker - workshop sessions on Social Teachings of the Church, Intimacy, Sexuality and Relationships & An Ethic for Life, Grief & Relationships, Inner Freedom: Dreams, Discernment, & Life Choices, Music and Church. Mass and dinner dance. Cost is $35 ($45 after Oct. 1st). Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Visit the website at or call (415) 675-5900 for further information. |
MENS CLUB....Please join us at the first meeting of the Mens Club on Sept. 13th. This is a good opportunity to meet the men of the parish and get a calendar of the up coming events. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and dinner is at 7:30 p.m. For reservations call Danny Uroz. Price is $13.00. WOMENS GUILD MEETING...Welcome back Fiesta Dinner Meeting Sept. 20th in Hennessy Hall. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. dinner. $10 includes dinner and drinks. RESERVATIONS A MUST. $11 at the door. Call Angie Mullady for reservations. FIL-AM GROUP.....Come and join us at 12 Noon Mass on Oct. 3rd to celebrate the Feast of San Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila. Lunch and entertainment in Hennesy Hall will follow. Please call Roseanne Abad for more information about the Novena that will take place Sept. 15th-Oct. 3rd. |