Tuesday Discussion Group
Everyone is Welcome!
We enjoy discussing the following Sunday’s readings and Gospel. We alternate with spiritual books that the group agrees on. We pray for special intentions of the group, parishioners, and the world. The Group consists of very caring and spiritual parishioners.
We support SR Catholic Church Vision to bring peace and joy to the community and participate in Pastoral Outreach and Ministry Groups. We support the Catholic Worker Hospitality House in San Bruno by providing needed supplies.
Friends in Faith at Saint Robert’s
Friends in Faith meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:15 to 10:30 AM in the Rectory.
Catholic Worker Hospitality House in San Bruno
The mission of Catholic Worker Hospitality House is to serve the needs of low-income and homeless individuals in our community. In our daily work of feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and comforting the afflicted we try to be both a presence of the love of God and to see God in all we serve. To this end we operate a free dining room five mornings a week, a year-round homeless shelter, and permanent supportive housing for former guests. We try to assist our guests as needed. In our work all are welcome. No one is refused service based on who they are, where they are from, or what they believe. We believe we are all children of God and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.