The Catholic idea of evangelization is to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ into every human situation and lead people to a personal encounter with Him. Evangelization involves proclaiming the Gospel, inviting people to conversion, teaching them the faith, and sending them out as missionary disciples. Evangelization is not just a duty of the clergy or religious but of every baptized Catholic. Evangelization is motivated by love for God and neighbor, and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Evangelization at St. Roberts
For St. Roberts to become the vibrant and joyful parish we all desire, we need to be rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Increase Mass Attendance
The Mass is the cornerstone of our faith. If we are to lead our brothers and sisters in Christ to Heaven, we need to first lead them to a love of encountering Jesus in the Mass.
Increase participation in new and existing sacramental and service ministries
Evangelization means actively serving the parish community.