St. Robert's Catholic Church |
1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Tel: (650) 589-2800 |
Dear Friends, Together we sat on our deck enjoying the warmth of the sun. We discussed todays readings as we sipped our tea. How well connected these readings are! Elisha fed the one hundred hungry people with 20 barley loaves He quoted our Father: They shall eat and there shall be some left over. And so it was! In Johns Gospel, we picture Jesus thoughtfully gazing upon the five thousand people who had followed Him up the mountain. They were hungry and had no food. His heart was filled with compassion for them. Jesus knew that He alone could provide them with food for their bodies and food for their souls. To do this, He used the humble offerings of a little boy. After all had eaten and been satisfied, Jesus asked His disciples to gather what was left. The fragments filled 12 baskets. The prophecy was again fulfilled: They shall eat and there shall be some left over. How generous is our God! He provides us with so much more than we need .even to overflow! We continue to be nourished by Jesus Bread of Life. The 12 baskets of fragments collected upon the order given by Jesus are the Bread destined for the whole Church in every age. The Church still eats from it each time we partake of the Holy Eucharist. As we receive this gift of Jesus Bread, we are challenged to commit ourselves to satisfying the needs of the poor- - -the starving crowds of our time. We are one body- - - one spirit- - - May we love one another with the heart of Jesus. God Bless you, |
WE WELCOME FATHER PAUL O'DELL TO ST. ROBERT'S PARISH COMMUNITY Dear Parishioners, Im very happy to be your new parochial vicar. As you may already know, I was raised by a very Irish Catholic family. I grew up in the San Joaquin Valley in a small town called Visalia. After graduating from Fresno State University, I went to St. Patricks Seminary in Menlo Park. Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Belmont was my first assignment. St. Sebastian in Greenbrae and St. Gabriel in San Francisco have been my other parish assignments. I very much enjoy parish ministry where I get to know so many wonderful people. I always had an interest in serving my country as a reserve naval chaplain. Fortunately, I was commissioned as a naval chaplain in 2000. I did my basic training in Newport, Rhode Island. In January of 2003, I was called up to active duty and sent over to the Persian Gulf. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would actually be in a war. I am proud that I had the opportunity to serve my country. Now I am proud to serve you. I want to know all of you. It will take some time to know your names and your families. If there is anything that I can do, please let me know. I am excited to be here as your new parish priest. Father Paul |
- July 31 |
Mass Intention |
6:30a 8:30a |
Sandra Seymour Pasquale Aloise |
- August 1 Readings: Jer 14:17-22 Mt 13:36-43 |
Mass Intention | 6:30a 8:30a |
Rosie Rougley Maria Teresa Aloise |
Education Legion of Mary |
3:30p 6:30p |
Hall Library |
- August 2 Readings: Jer 15:10,16-21 Mt 14:44-46 |
Mass Intention | 6:30a 8:30a |
Mary Gonella Larry Sylvestri |
- August 3 |
Mass Intention | 6:30a 8:30a |
Norman Balilin Frank Vidulich |
- August 4 |
Mass Intention | 6:30a 8:30a |
Erwin Rohleder Sandra Seymour |
- August 5 |
Mass Intention | 8:30a 4:30p |
Joseph Arsenault Edward Lagomarsino |
AA Meeting TIPPS |
10:00a 10:30a |
Mahoney Room Offsite |
- August 6 |
Mass Intention | 7:30a 9:30a 11:30a 5:00p |
Mocelin & Emilio Families Andrea Wong People of St. Robert's Carlo Giovanni Foti |
Fil/Am Choir | 10:00a | Hall |
LOST AND FOUND A garage door opener was found a few weeks ago after the 8:30 morning Mass. A ring was found in the bathroom after the weekend Masses July 23rd. |
As a Parish Community we pray ..for all who are hungry, homeless, helpless and lonely. May we Christians, who are the hands of the Lord, feed, shelter and comfort them. |
Savannah Joy Perreras |
Our sincere sympathy to the familes
of |
On every First Saturday of each month, we have the privilege of celebrating Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, following the 8:30 a.m. Mass and closing with Benediction at 10 a.m. No matter what is going on in our lives, Jesus is very close at hand. He is waiting to comfort us and give us the strength and courage to face our concerns and to find peace in the resolution, whatever it may be. We need the wisdom and guidance of someone greater than ourselves. This we receive when we sit quietly before Jesus; let Him in and surrender ourselves to His grace. |
The second Caregivers Workshop will take place on Saturday, September 30, in the convent chapel from 8:30 am to 1 pm, with lunch included. This is for those who care for a parent, spouse, relative or friend, regardless of the level of your involvement. Please help us spread the word by telling others who wont read this because their responsibilities as caregivers keep them occupied. If you have questions, please call Sr. Patricia at 589-0104 or Sr. Sheral at 589-2800. |
Here's a great way to get to know the other parishioners and/or earn a good chunk of your school hours! We are in need of chair people for some of the game booths: Basketball, Baseball, Ring Toss and Dime Toss It's easy, it's fun!!! Please call Mars Cadiz at 650-554-3347 or Sandra Thompson. |
A NOTE FROM FATHER BRUCE My family and I would like to thank the people of Saint Roberts for your love, support, presence and prayers for these past couple of weeks since Mom died. I shared with my family a stack of cards that was almost one foot tall. The outpouring of love and concern has helped me to get through these difficult days. I have stood before many families at the time of a death. Ive tried to console and to bring some healing and peace. These last weeks the tables have been turned. Thanks for being here for me and my family. Saint Roberts people are the greatest. Thanks to all who helped with the reception last weekend for Fr. Joe Hung. He moved this past week to Saint Gregory in San Mateo where he will be in residence while continuing to serve at Seton and San Mateo County Medical Centers. Fr. Paul ODell has arrived. He will be our new Parochial Vicar. Fr. Pauls latest assignment was at St Hilary in Tiburon. Welcome, Fr Paul. Finally, I will be away on vacation. Monsignor Bob McElroy, Fr Ray Sacca and I will be visiting Southeast Asia. We will be in Thailand for a few days, then Cambodia and Vietnam. Ill be back in the office on Monday, August 21st. Fr Bruce |
We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch item for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children's Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9 a.m. on August 9th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items are ok! |
The parish office is in need of a volunteer to work from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays, beginning August 25th. The job would involve minimal clerical duties. Please call (650) 589-2800 to apply. **must be 16 years of age to apply. |
Go to and click on the e-contributions button. The first page explains the details. There is a button to take you to the e-paluch registration page. You can register online using either your checking account or credit card. There is no cost to you for this service. |
Centerplate 2006 Schedule |
Name:_________________________________Home Phone:___________________ Cell Phone:_______________Email:_______________________________________ Dress Code: Full length black slacks, (jeans or spandex are not permitted), white shirt with collar, closed toe comfortable shoes (preferably black or white). We will car pool from the rectory. For those working in San Francisco, you can meet the group at the gate. Volunteers between 16-21 years of age must provide a copy of a picture id which includes his/her birth date. Dress Code for 49ers Training Camp: Tan or khaki shorts and a white shirt with a collar. There will be no other shirt used this year. As of Ju ly 22, we've earned our parish $22,828.30!Thanks to the many people who have volunteered. (Working Centerplate last year, we earned our parish $50,885.92!) |
August 5th and 6th |
Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Mass |
Presider | Fr. Marini |
Eucharistic Ministers | J. Scannell (C), R. Larsen, B. Larsen, J. Beltrano, M. Schaukowitch, A. Ciraulo, M. Ciraulo, T. Dachauer, B. Moniz |
Lectors | B. Rudometkin and P. Scannell |
Altar Servers | D. Lara and M. Lara |
Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Mass |
Presider | Fr. O'Dell |
Eucharistic Ministers | E. Ruggiero (C), J. Jackson, R. Jardin, J. Aldinger, Y. Ignacio |
Lectors | S. Heaney and J. Moresco |
Altar Servers | G. Pino and A. McAlindon |
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Mass | |
Presider | Msgr. Schlitt |
Eucharistic Ministers | J. Romine (C), M. Saisi, M. Lopez, J. Kelly, M. Bologna, A. Romine, S. Murray, G. Tolentino, T. Jones |
Lectors | J. Valdez and J. Schick |
Altar Servers | J. Prieto, A. Silva and A. Ayllon |
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. Mass | |
Presider | Fr. Marini |
Eucharistic Ministers | C. Pacas (C), V/L Piccinini, B. Pacas, B. Chester, H. Madayag, A. Maron, D. Murphy, M. Giusti, E. Sanchez, L. Sing |
Lectors | C. Pisani and G. May |
Altar Servers | A. Estelita and M. Estelita |
Sunday, 5:00 p.m. Mass |
Presider | Fr. O'Dell |
Eucharistic Ministers | G. Landholt (C), M. Huntington, P. Landholt, L. Welch, E. Donnelly, B. Rodriguez, T. Thompson, M. Santiago, I. Reyes |
Lector | J. Scanlan |
Altar Servers | D. McKenna and C. Fonseca |