St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

NOVEMBER 29, 1998
First Sunday of Advent


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Dear Parishioners,

I hope the following meditation from a booklet by Elsie H. McGrath will help you benefit from the Season of Advent.

Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God; you will conceive and give birth to a Son, alleluia.

Advent. The word signifies something is evolving, about to happen...something we cannot control, something we need to be ready for. "You know what time it is," Paul tells us, "how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we become believers." Indeed. And...if not salvation...?

These darkest, shortest days of the calendar year mark the beginning of our Church year in much the same way as we might imagine the darkness of chaos marked the beginning of creation itself. God, in the fullness of divine inspiration, created the earth. Then God, in the fullness of time, was birthed into the earth. Jesus himself tells us we "must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour."

It is 1998. How many endless years have we lost? But we have yet another chance. God, in the fullness of Divine Incarnation, will come again. God will come in our darkest nights, when we try to extinguish all light, to hide from the All-Seeing Eyes. God will come in our shortest days, when we fail to do what needs to be done, to put off dealing with the All-Knowing Heart. Will we be ready?

Father Ring



Memorial of St. Francis Xavier, priest, religious, missionary - Thu., 12/3

Readings for
Isaiah 11:1-10; Romans 15:4-9; Matthew 3:1-12



The General Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar, #39 tells us this about Advent:

Advent has a twofold character: as a season to prepare for Christmas when Christ’s first coming to us is remembered; [and] as a season when that remembrance directs the mind and heart to await Christ’s Second Coming at the end of time. Advent is thus a period for devout and joyful expectation.

The mystery of God’s reign being already among us, but not yet fulfilled, is at the heart of what we do every time we celebrate the Eucharist! In faith we know God is already present among us, God’s people, in the proclamation of the Word, and in the Breaking of the Bread and Sharing of the Cup. And yet we receive the Body and Blood of Christ as nourishment for the task of helping to establish the rule of love among ourselves and in our society. This Advent Jesus gives us both a gift and a task: God’s reign of peace and justice.


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Monday 6:30 All Souls
8:30 Andrew Bacigalupi †
Tuesday 6:30 Bernard Hentschell †
8:30 Lloyd Lagomarsino †
Wednesday 6:30 Communion Service
8:30 Rose Parola †
Thursday 9:00 All Souls
8:30 Robert Bisagno †
Friday 6:30 Sam Boncich †
8:30 James Bonnardel †
Saturday 8:30 Geraldine Perata †
4:30 Andrew & Teresa Galea †
Sunday 7:30 Paul & Rosina Vella †
9:00 Ben & Betty Ballas †
10:30 People of St. Robert's
12:00 Maria Damonte †
5:30 Agnes & Ev Pugh †

**PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO 6:30 Mass on Wednesdays and Thursdays in December.

There will be a Communion Service at that time on those 2 days.



We welcome into the family of God: Anthony Molinari, Megan Carlson, Taylor Spaulding, and Dillon Gibeau who were baptized in Christ.

We pray for the ill: Blake Interdonato, Don Landers, Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Jack Nichols, Sandra Dill, Ilar Schoenstein, Jane Lambert, Enese Parenti and Muriel Krause.

As a Parish Community,We Pray...

During this season of Advent, may we share with one another our awareness of God’s presence in the warmth of His sun; in the brightness of His moon and stars; in the roaring of His sea and in His cloud of promise.



Religious devotions have one purpose - to bring us to a closer, more intimate relationship with our God. To love someone, we need to spend time with that special Someone. Jesus promised to be with us always. The Eucharist is His gift of Himself. Put away your wordly cares for a little while. Come and sit before Jesus quietly. Experience His peace and return home refreshed. Adoration follows the 8:30 AM Mass on the First Saturday of each month, December 5th, and continues till 10:00 AM.


If I had been asked in the first years of my spiritual life endeavor what I wanted people to say in appreciation of me, I would have answered, "Let them say he is a holy man." Years later I would have answered, "Let them say he is a loving man." And now I would like people to say of me, "He is a free man."

Anthony de Mello



This week, at the 10:30 AM Mass, we celebrate the RCIA Rite of Welcoming for our 17 new members who include:

Maria Bologna, Bobbie Cadiente, Laura Davis, Laurie Dellanini, George Flores, Rosie Gose, Kelly Horton, George Horton, Wendy Lane, Irene Loncaric, Barb Murray, Brenda Paton, Jason Parrish, Sharon Pedro, Betty Tello, Anthony Torres, and Donna Wilczynski.

These are the adults preparing to receive their Easter Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist. Please remember to keep them in your prayers as we journey toward Easter.


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As we have done for may years, we ask you to remember our sick, our elderly and those who are homebound. Christmas can be a lonely time of the year when you feel that no one cares. During Advent we are invited to be a People of Promise. To fulfill this mission we can bring hope to those who are helpless; to let the love of God flow through us to them. Gift baskets will be found on the altar steps. Some suggestions are: slippers, knee socks, pajamas, nightgowns, lap robes, bath powder, robes or dusters, sweaters, homemade cookies, cards and notes of encouragement. You have always responded very generously in the past; we know you will do so once again. New items only, please.



Christmas Poinsettias will decorate the church during the Christmas Season. If you would care to make a donation of $10 (please make check our to St. Roberts, Poinsetta’s Fund) towards their purchase in memory of a loved one, please fill out the form in the Bulletin and return it to the Parish Office by Dec. 23rd. A memorial list will be published in the bulletin.



Thankyou for your patience with the new parish directory. They will be delivered to us by Dec. 1st and distributed shortly thereafter, to the parishioners. Please watch the bulletin for further details.

CHRISTMAS CARDS...We still have a limited quantity of our own special St. Robert Christmas Cards. They will be available for purchase after all Masses beginning Thanksgiving weekend. A package of 20 cards is only $3 or 2 pkg. for $5. They may also be purchased at the Parish Office.



Bring your family and friends to Hennessy Hall on Dec. 12th and join Santa for breakfast, crafts, raffle, prizes, and a kid priced "Santa Shop." Cost: $4 for children or adults. Children under 18 months are free. Seating times: 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Call Cyd Sinks or Catherine Bendick for more information.



Dinner Meeting, Friday, Dec. 4th 7 p.m.-$10 per person or a gift (unwrapped) for a child or an adult.



The Men’s Club will hold its dinner/meeting on Monday, Dec. 7th. All men of the parish are invited to our monthly dinner meetings. The Men’s Club is a great place to meet new people and to get involved with our parish. Doors will open at 6:30 PM and dinner will be served at approximately 7:30 PM. Come watch Monday Night Football and have a great dinner. We really need to know if you are coming to the dinner. Please make your reservations by DEC. 3RD. After the 3rd the price will be $13. The early reservations will allow enough time for John to shop for dinner. So please call John Franzella at for your early reservation.



"Rain down Your Love on Your People" is the theme for the Religious Education Institute 1999, to be held at St. Ignatius College Prep. in S.F. The event begins with a concert by David Haas at 7:30 p.m. on Friday Jan. 29th, and continues all day Sat. with a variety of speakers, exhibits, prayer, and Eucharistic liturgy. Brochures are available at the Religious Education Office or call (415) 565-3650.


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Legion of Mary, 6:30-8:30 PM.....Library
Religious Ed, Jr. Hi, 6:45-8PM...Hall

RCIA, 7-9P.M.....Chapel
Life & Growth, 7-9PM.....Library
Bob’s Club, 7-9PM.....Hall

In-Betweener’s, 5PM.....Hall

Eucharistic Adoration, 9-10AM.....Church
2nd Graders/St. Robert’s School, Reconciliation..10AM..Church
2nd Graders/Rel. Ed, Reconciliation, 12 Noon..Church

Fil/Am Choir, 10-11:30AM...Hall
Confirmation Phase 2 Class (10th)....3:45 p.m....Hall

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