St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

JANUARY 24, 1999
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


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(During Fr. Ring’s recovery, the members of the parish staff will be writing the pastoral letter. Today’s letter is from Pat Kelly.)

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday I attended a farewell Mass for Fr. Michael Weldon, OFM, the now former pastor of St. Anthony Parish in San Francisco’s Mission District. I spent several years there in the early 90’s.

Fr. Michael likes to tell stories and find good, inspirational quotations. At weddings, he frequently quoted the news anchor, Diane Sawyer, who once said, "One of the greatest acts of love is to pay attention." Isn’t that the truth? I don’t know about you, but at home and at work I frequently feel like I have so many jobs to do, people to see, and things to read that it becomes difficult for me to pay attention to any one thing at a time. Sometimes I go through an entire day like that. On those days, I’m not present to others, God, or myself, and I’m not very loving.

"One of the greatest acts of love is to pay attention." I like to think that Jesus lived according to that proverb. How do we do it? Think of it as "being present" to a moment or a person. And ask the Holy Spirit for help! God’s a pro at loving and paying attention to us.

Attentively yours,
Pat Kelly



Memorial of Sts. Timothy and Titus, bishops - Tue., 1/26
Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, priest, religious, doctor - Thu., 1/28

Readings for next
Zephaniah 2:3, 3:12-13; 1 Cor. 1:26-31; Matthew 5:1-12a



"Full, Conscious, and Active Participation"

Let’s be honest, in a big parish community like ours, not everyone will be an usher, lector, eucharistic minister, cantor, or choir member. But that’s not what the "participation" part of the phrase above means. Participation in the liturgy is for every baptized person, every time, first and foremost as a member of the the Christian assembly. To participate in liturgy with our whole mind, body, heart, and soul is our right and duty as people baptized into Christ. At this point I’d love to hear about very practical things from you: What helps and motivates you to participate in the Mass? What keeps you from participating more fully? Give me a call or drop me a line - Pat Kelly


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Monday 6:30 Irene Efford †
8:30 Veronica Schaukowitch †
Tuesday 6:30 Florence Malatesta †
8:30 Veronica Schaukowitch †
Wednesday 6:30 No Intention
8:30 Hamo Kazarian †
Thursday 6:30 No Intention
8:30 Veronica Schaukowitch †
Friday 6:30 No Intention
8:30 Bernardo Mocelin †
Saturday 8:30 Gene Monaghan †
4:30 Gerald Myers †
Sunday 7:30 Ralph Odermatt †
9:00 Pat Scanlon †
10:30 Veronica Schaukowitch †
12:00 People of St. Robert's
5:30 Domenico Cotroneo †



We pray for the ill Blake Interdonato, Don Landers, Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Sandra Dill, Jane Lambert, Enese Parenti, Bill Curtis and Muriel Krause.

We pray for the repose of the souls of Clarence Larson, Francis McMahon and Sydney Paton.

As a Parish Community,We Pray

For all Christians. May God lead us toward communion in faith, life and witness so that, united in one body by the one Spirit, we may together witness to the perfect unity of His love.



Today Christians pray together for unity and that separation will be replaced by togetherness. God has promised that all will be made new. We ask that He open our minds and hearts to all who follow Jesus; put aside our differences and be guided by the Holy Spirit to pray with Jesus that all may be one. May our one week of Prayer for Unity become a lifetime of Prayer for Unity.



On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court issued decisions that legalized abortion throughout pregnancy. Abortion does present a choice: Will ours be a society that values and protects each and every human life, born and pre-born, or will it be a society that considers some human lives expendable? We can pray that all human life will be respected and protected; work to provide services for pregnant women and their children, so that no woman will ever feel pressured to abort her child; and encourage legislators and candidates to represent our views.


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Dear Parishioners:

Thank you for your prayers, cards and best wishes the past few weeks. The surgery involved more than the Doctors had expected. A second disc has suffered more damage than showed up on the MRI. I am glad to say that the Surgeon was happy with the results, but the recovery will be slow. Anyway, it is day by day; and I hope, soon, step by step. Keep up the prayers and I promise my prayers for you.

Father Ring


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We welcome into our Parish Family the following people:

Brandy & RubenGallardo
Don, Debbie, Danielle, Brittany and Brandon Jones
John and Shelly Loughran
Henry, Rosalba, Jalina and Brian Suchorski
Michael, Tami, Timothy, Stephen and Charlie Reigies
Thomas and Jennifer Colombo
Pedro, Edna and Paige Silva
Maria Beltran
Thomas, Chyrel and Tylar Flaherty
Ted, Geraldine, Bianca and Ashley Tolentino
Michael and Lisa Venezia
Michael, Gina and Matthew Herrera
John, Nancy, Danielle and Jennifer Marty
Sosefo, Vira, Ikuna, Sipeni, Paulo and Victoria Langi

We welcome you into St. Robert’s Family

and ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, in the mail, or at the Parish office. We will mail a New Parishioner Packet with information about the Parish, its organizations and groups.



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One participant from last session’s Renew summed up the sentiments of many when she commented that Renew gave her the opportunity to share and also presented a forum for questions, answers and discussion of issues that perhaps were not thought about for many years. Through Renew 2000, we are called to conversion, to change whatever blocks our relationship with God and with one another.

Renew sign up Sunday
is Jan. 31st after all the Masses.


50TH Anniversary

Please plan to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, February 11th at 7:30 PM in the Library. All are invited to help us plan this exciting activity.

Save the date - September 4, 1999



Sunday Jan. 31st
after the 9:00 a.m. Mass in Hennesy Hall.


Desktop Publishers/Graphic Artists/Designers/Cut & Paste Layout Specialists

Help wanted for the production of our Easter Triduum worship aids. If you have skills with Publisher, Page Maker, or another desktop publishing software and could help with this project, please call Pat Kelly at 589-2800.



The St. Robert’s Fashion Show Committee is looking for your vintage ensembles from all decades of this century. Find that 40’s prom dress or that 70’s disco dream dress and call Leslie before Feb. 28th.


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The St. Elizabeth-Maltese Society will hold the annual St. Paul of the Shipwreck Feast on Feb. 13th at St. Elizabeth Church in SF. Location is at Somerset St. and Wayland St. Mass will be at 5:00 p.m. A sit down dinner will be held at Cantwell hall, located at Goettingen and Wayland Streets 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be rib roast, potatoes, mostaccioli, salad, and desserts. Come and enjoy the Maltese tradition and celebrate with friends. Prices are $15.00 adults, $5.00 12 years and under. For tickets contact: Mary Sammutt (415) 467-1686 or Carmen Mecalef (415) 586-2597.


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School Open House, 7PM
Women’s Spirit, 7PM.....Chapel

Legion of Mary, 6:30-8:30 PM.....Library
Religious Ed, Jr. Hi, 6:45-8PM...Hall

Liturgy Committee, 7-8:30PM.....Library

RCIA, 7-9PM.....Chapel
School Board, 7-9PM.....Library

Bob’s Club, 7-10PM...Hall

Fil/Am, 10-11:30AM.....Classroom
Newcomer’s Breakfast, 10AM.....Hall

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