St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, September 9, 2001

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

September 9, 2001
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioner:

In our society, many people are seeking meaning and fulfillment. They look in many places, from yoga to the latest guru, but they often fail to look with any depth into the teachings of Jesus and of His Church. If you know of family members or neighbors who want something more out of life, please tell them to come to the Open House for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Program that will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 14th at the convent Chapel. Donna McGuigan and Deacon Duffey will be there to welcome them. For all adults who would like to come to a greater understanding of the Bible, Sister Ita is beginning a new class on Sept. 5th. These are two great opportunities for people of our Parish. I pray that many will come.

During the summer, I read an article about Aleksandr I. Sozhenitsyn, the great Russian patriot and author. In the article was included one of his most recent prose poems since he returned from exile after the fall of Communism. It is entitled: "Growing Old."

How much easier it is then, how much more receptive we are to death, when advancing years guide us softly to our end. Aging thus is in no sense a punishment from on high, but brings its own blessings and a warmth of colors all its own...There is even warmth to be drawn from the waning of your own strength compared with the past—just to think how sturdy I once used to be! You can no longer get through a whole day’s work at a stretch, but how good it is to slip into the brief oblivion of sleep, and what a gift to wake once more to the clarity of your second or third morning of the day. And your spirit can find delight in limiting your intake of food, in  abandoning the pursuit of novel flavors. You are still of this life, yet you are rising above the material plane.. Growing old serenely is not a downhill path but an ascent.


Father Ring


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The Sacrament of Eucharist

More from the U.S. Bishops:

13. Is Christ present during the celebration of the Eucharist in other ways in addition to his Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament?

Yes. Christ is present during the Eucharist in various ways. He is present in the person of the priest who offers the sacrifice of the Mass. According to the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council, Christ is present in his Word "since it is he himself who speaks when the holy scriptures are read in the Church." He is also present in the assembled people as they pray and sing, "for he has promised ‘where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them’ (Mt 18:20)" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 7 ). Furthermore, he is likewise present in other sacraments; for example, "when anybody baptizes it is really Christ himself who baptizes" (ibid.).

We speak of the presence of Christ under the appearances of bread and wine as "real" in order to emphasize the special nature of that presence. What appears to be bread and wine is in its very substance the Body and Blood of Christ. The entire Christ is present, God and man, body and blood, soul and divinity. While the other ways in which Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist are certainly not unreal, this way surpasses the others. "This presence is called ‘real’ not to exclude the idea that the others are ‘real’ too, but rather to indicate presence par excellence, because it is substantial and through it Christ becomes present whole and entire, God and man" (Mysterium Fidei, no. 39).


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9/10 Monday 6:30
Marty Cotov †
Deacon John Bourne †
9/11 Tuesday 6:30
Joseph McClelland †
Eugene J. Martin †
9/12 Wednesday 6:30
Anita Gregory †
Peggy Bisagno †
9/13 Thursday 6:30
Julia Kane †
Bill Strehl †
9/14 Friday 6:30
Sophia Conley †
Fortino Gomez †
9/15 Saturday 8:30
Charles Agius †
Abraham & Josephine Vella †
9/16 Sunday 7:30
Dolores Fernandez †
Bill Wilson †
Dina Martinucci †
Robert Walter Woodall †
People of St. Robert's


Exodus 32:7-11, 13-14
1 Timothy 1:12-17
Luke 15:1-32



As a parish community we pray....

For Grandparents. May the Holy Spirit give them the wisdom to serve Jesus by listening to and spending time with their grandchildren.


Our sincere sympathy to the family of
Frank DeVita,
Daniel Gracia,
Mariana Tjandrawati,
Raymond Pappert and
William Corden

who died recently.



The Project Rachel Ministry of the Archdiocesan Respect Life Program, and Holy Cross Cemetery invite the Catholic community, and the families and friends of children who have died before, at, or shortly after birth, or in early childhood to a special memorial and healing Mass, Sat. Sept. 15th, 11:00 a.m., at the Rachel Shrine, Holy Cross Cemetery. Bishop John C. Wester will be principal celebrant. A special healing ritual will celebrate the children and their joy in eternity. Directions to the shrine will be posted at the cemetery entrance. A gathering with refreshments will follow. For further information call (415) 717-6428 or (415) 614-5572.


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Registration forms for all grades, K thru 5, Junior High, and Confirmation have now been mailed out. We would appreciate receiving the completed forms as soon as possible. Classes for students in K thru 5 start Tuesday, Sept. 18th and Thursday. Sept. 20th. Students in Junior High and the Confirmation Program will receive their class schedules when they meet for their various orientations. If you have not received the mailing, or if you’re new to the parish and want further information for your child who will be beginning this year please call the Religious Education Office at 588-0477.


Thursday, September 13th
7:00pm to 9:00pm - Convent Chapel

For adults interested in receiving the sacraments of Baptism, confirmation and/or First Eucharist. Also for those alumni whom have gone through the process! The RCIA team welcomes you and will be available to answer any questions you may have. Please stop by! Refreshments will be served. Call the parish office for more information: 589-2800.


September 12th

We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch item for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children’s Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9:00 am on Sept. 12th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated. We appreciate all your help.



We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Arthur Candia, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, Adela Florez, Elsie Grech, Randall Guerro, Denise Hawald, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Josephine Lavoie, Marky, Rosemary McHale, Jeanne McHugh, Terry McLeod, Catherine Okulove, Mary Shick, Cyndy Smerdel, Kari Stellino, Don Vickery, Walton and June Dickhoff, Daniel McHale, Ilaria Belluomini, Lee Shick, Joseph Calleja, Sandra and William Dill, Leo Pieretti, Carl Edwards & Bernie Voight.


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Meeting Monday, Sept. 10th, at 6:30 pm. Contact Dan Uroz for reservations.



Sept. 17th Mexican Fiesta. Price is $10 (or $13 at the door). Reservations by Sept 10 are a must. Doors open at 6:30. Call Barbara Mitchell. And don’t forget to bring canned food for Sister Ita!



Our next get-together will be on Sept. 30th at Max’s Opera Cafe at 12 noon. The addresss is 1250 Old Bayshore Hwy., Burlingame. For reservations call Bunny Moniz no later than Sept. 26th.



"Tropical Paradise", this year’s annual parish festival, will be Sept. 28th - 30th. The Barbecue and Food Booths are in need of your help. Most shifts are for two hours. If you can help in any way, please contact Louise and Ray Downs.

Festival Raffle News.....The Grand Prize in the Festival Raffle is $2,000 cash! A total of $5,000 will be awarded! So watch your mailbox and return your tickets right away to be in the running for the "Early Bird" drawing, which will be held Sunday, Sept. 16th

Festival T-Shirts....Tropical Shirts and T-Shirts for the St. Robert’s Festival will be on sale the next 2 weekends after 4:30 Mass on Saturday and after the 9:00, 10:30 & 5:30 Masses on Sunday.



The Filipino-American Group of St. Roberts is hosting a Holiday Dinner Dance on Saturday, Nov. 3rd, at the Millbrae Clarion Hotel. All parishioners are invited to attend. Ticket prices are $55.00 and $45.00 for seniors (65 years and older). Tickets may be purchased for an "early bird" price of $40.00 after the Sept. 8th - 9th and Sept. 15th - 16th Masses. Please contact Lena Reyes or Fe Ortiz for information.


The Filipino-American Group will be holding their monthly meeting on Thursday, Sept. 13th at Hennessy Hall (7:30 p.m.). Call Esperenza Halili for inquiries.


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MONDAY, September 10th
6 - 10 pm, Men’s Club.....Hall
6:30 - 9 pm, CCD Teacher Mtg.....Convent Chapel
7:30 - 8:30 pm, St. Vincent de Paul...Library

TUESDAY, September 11th
6:30 - 8:15 pm, Religous Education....Hall
6:30 - 8 pm, Legion of Mary.....Library
7:30 - 9 pm, Youth Group.....Kitchen

WEDNESDAY, September 12th
9 - 9:30 am, Grief Group.....Mary’s Chapel
6:30 - 8:15 pm, Religous Education.....Hall
7 - 8 pm, Festival Meeting.....Library
7:30 - 9 pm, Bible Study....Convent Chapel

THURSDAY, September 13th
6:30 - 8:15 pm, Religoius Education.....Hall
7 - 9 pm, RCIA....Convent Chapel
7:30 - 9 pm, Fil/Am.....Library

FRIDAY, September 14th
6 - 11 pm, In-Betweener’s.....Hall

SATURDAY, September 15th
9 - 12 Noon, Parish Council.....Library

SUNDAY, September 16th
10 -11:30 am, Fil/Am Choir......Hall
3:30 - 6:30 pm, Rel Ed./Confirmation.....Hall

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