St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, June 9, 2002

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

June 9, 2002
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners,

Congratulations to all of our young parishioners who have graduated with the Class of 2002! Whether it be from college, high school, middle school, grade school, kindergarten, "Little Church" to "Middle Church," or St. Robert’s School itself, we are very proud of you!

Graduations are a time when we pledge to be friends for life. A world of possibilities is spread before us like a grand buffet! We are filled with confidence because of what we have achieved, and yet we’re also a little unsure of what is coming next. It’s a very exciting, wonderful time, filled with promise.

How do we keep those friendships going once we’ve split and gone to different schools or cities? How do we live up to the potential we have at graduation time? How do we build on our achievements or rebuild when our worst fears come true? How do we nurture the seeds of promise God has planted in each of us?

I remember a song we sang at my eighth grade graduation:

Inch by inch, row by row,
Gonna make this garden grow,
All you need is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground.
Inch by inch, row by row,
God bless these seeds I sow;
God warm them from below
‘Til the rain comes tumblin’ down.

Like the song says, growth and the road to happiness is built a little bit at a time, day by day. It comes from the mysterious cooperation of our own work and God’s blessing.

In the Church’s liturgical year, we enter into Ordinary Time. We count the Sundays and weeks, one at a time, after our big Easter and Pentecost feasts. Ordinary Time is a good time to pay attention to the little things—the basics—of life and spirituality that help make our garden grow day by day. Do the little things that need to be done to make your dreams come true. Write a letter or e-mail or phone a friend to keep the friendship alive. Remain connected to the community that challenges you and helps you to grow. Do not let your faith die. Above all things, pray every day, and seek the friendship and presence of God.

Happy Summer and happy gardening!
Pat Vallez-Kelly


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6/10 Monday 6:30
John Green †
Lucille McLean
6/11 Tuesday 6:30
Special Intention
Thomas Keane †
6/12 Wednesday 6:30
Dr. Ursula Dietrich †
Charles Agius †
6/13 Thursday 6:30
Tom Garkich †
Giarth Klingensmith †
6/14 Friday 6:30
Teresita Lirio †
Harry Boyer †
6/15 Saturday 8:30
Oscar & Armida Moniri †
All Fathers

6/16 Sunday

All Fathers
All Fathers
All Fathers
All Fathers
All Fathers

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Exodus 19:2-6
Romans 5:6-11
Matthew 9:36-10:8


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"Solidarity in Eucharist"

Sometimes we think of lay people versus bishops and priests as "us" and "them." We don’t always think of ordained clergymen as "one of us." They have unique, celibate lives. Sometimes they dress all in black. They belong to an order into which women are not allowed. They can wield a lot of influence. Because of their position as leaders, the good or the bad that they do gets magnified. In a lot of ways, their lives are different from those of most Catholics. But . . . they are "us." They are Christians with us and like us, baptized and confirmed, who share the Lord’s Supper with us.

Sometimes we think of those who have been sexually abused by clergy as "them." Their experience is one that many of us have not faced. But . . . they are "us."

There are parts of the Mass which express very beautifully our faith that God will guide those who lead the Church. In the Prayers of the Faithful, the first prayer is for the Church. Frequently, in that very first intercession we pray for the Pope, the Bishop of Rome, and for all bishops and priests who lead the Church. Sometimes, though, we will pray for the Church that suffers. In the Eucharistic Prayer, we pray that the sacrifice of Christ will help to bring about unity and peace within the Church. We speak of growing in love, together with John Paul, our Pope, William, our archbishop, and all the clergy. But, we also ask God to "remember all your people, especially those for whom we now pray."

If we believe what we say and live what we believe, then let us remember, especially during Eucharist, that we stand in solidarity both with the victims of abuse and with our church leaders. Our prayer for "them" is actually prayer for "us." Pat Vallez-Kelly


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As a Parish Community, we Pray...For the Bishops of our country, as they meet in Dallas, to discuss the abuses within the Church. May the Holy Spirit fill them with humility, discernment, wisdom, and compassion.


A baby is God’s opinion
that the world should go on.

Carl Sandburg



Julien Andrew Cardenas



Monica McGettigan & Mike Manuel



We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Robert Bacci, Ilaria Belluomini, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Joseph Calleja, Arthur Candia, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, Walton & June Dickhoff, Sandra & William Dill, Carl Edwards, Adela Florez, Henry Fosson, Fred Gaedeke, Jim Halpin, Denise Hawald, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Abelardo Landin, Josephine Lavoie, Marky, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Jeanne McHugh, Terry McLeod, Josefina Mercado, Sal Milizio, George Mitchell, Catherine Murtagh, Louis Ricardo, Pauline Speranza, Kari Stellino, Bernadine Trenchard, and Don Vickery.

Please call the Rectory if you have a friend or family member who is ill or in the hospital and would like a visit from our Clergy. 



The "Emergency Prayer Network" will pray for your specific intentions whenever some crisis arises in your life. If you call, our group will pray fervently for three days for you and your special intention. Call Michele Pipinich. Let us know how things turn out so that we can praise God for His faithfulness.


Our sincere sympathy to the familes of
Alice Delucchi & Dorothy Yoggerst
who died recently



If you are a regular participant in one of the liturgies below, consider becoming a Eucharistic Minister or Lector. Contact Pat Vallez-Kelly at 589-2800.

Saturday 4:30pm
Sunday 10:30am
Sunday Noon
Sunday 5:30pm
Eucharistic Ministers needed
Eucharistic Ministers
Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers

The 5:30 p.m. Mass is also in need of ushers. Call Mike Salvato.



AIDS LUNCH - June 12, 2002

We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch items for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children’s Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9:00 am on June 12th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated.

We appreciate all your help.


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Building for a New Century

Pledge/Gifts as of May 31
Number of Families
Actual cash received as of May 31 $410,657.23

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Congratulations to our students of St. Robert’s School, who graduated Friday, June 7th. We wish them continued success in high school. The graduates are:

Emily Albertolle,
Stephen Barbarotto,
Eric Barradas,
Amanda Belluomini,
Kevin Byrne,
Emily Carambat,
Luis Cordon,
Douglas Finigan,
Connor Fitzpatrick,
Gianna Galletta,
Christine Giusti,
Kimberly Gomes,
Christopher Harders
Melinda Ibarra,
Ashley Jaber,
Anthony Karmiris,
Michael Kelly,
Sean Kent,
Lauren Lalami,
Stephen Lucchese,
Brittni Marshall,
Monique Mercado,
Jacob Miller,
Colleen O’Neil,
Mary O'Neil
Elizabeth Pino
Nathan Pisani,
Sergio Quilici,
Jennifer Ribero,
Nicolas Schaukowitch,
William Sinks,
Tracy Timko,
Collin Tullius,
Leanne Voreyer,
Dawn Wilson, &
Christopher Wooley


If you haven’t signed up yet, call 1-800-592-0942, online at, or get an application in the vestibule of the Church. Our group number is 137045398.



Thanks! to all who are using the Albertson’s community card. This quarter we received $1,532.00. If you need a card, pick one up in the rectory.



Remember your father with a spiritual bouquet on Father’s Day. They are available in the vestibule of the Church and can be returned in the collection basket or at the parish office.



All children going into the 2nd grade are invited to participate in the Rite of Passage from

"LITTLE" to "MIDDLE" Church
Sunday, June 9th at the 9 am Mass.



Congratulations to our students of St. Robert’s Religious Education. We wish them continued success in high school. The graduates are:

Sandy Allen,
Rosemary Alva,
Brittany Barrett,
Stephen Barsanti,
Kaylene Bolla,
Matthew Calvo,
Danielle Cardona,
Katelin Carey,
Jeffrey William Cosgriff,
Anthony DeRenzi,
Robert Desanto,
Myles Dietrich,
Cory Edwards,
Kelley Evans,
Michelle Fleming,
Kelly Lynn Gorrell,
Julie Hageman,
Scott Hamblin,
Blake Interdonato,
Justin Jarvinen,
Molly Anne Klase,
Michael Lallas,
Megan Milos,
Justin Mitchell,
Mikey Parra,
Cristina Perez,
Mark Phee,
Ryan Randall,
Alex Revel,
Patricia Segali,
Eric Smith,
Arianne Torres,
Emmanuel Torres,
Matthew Joseph Tuckett,
Jennifer Tuite,
Stephanie Uniacke,
M. Isabel Villalobos,
Alexa Wild, and
Amanda Zelnik

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Fil-Am Group-Monthly meeting will be held on June 13th in Hennessy Hall from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. All new and current parishioners welcome. For information about our group contact Esperanza Halili.


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Monday, June 10th
6 - 10 pm, Women’s Guild.....Hall
7:30 - 8:30 pm, St. Vincent de Paul.....Library

Tuesday, June 11th
6:30 - 8 pm, Legion of Mary.....Library
7:30 - 9 pm, Parish Planning Committee.....Rectory
8 - 9 pm Teen Club.....Kitchen

Wednesday, June 12th
9 am, AIDS Lunch.....Children’s Chapel
9 - 9:30 am, Grief Support.....Mary’s Chapel
12 - 3 pm, Choir Party.....Hall

Thursday, June 13th
7 - 9 pm, RCIA...Convent Chapel
7:30 - 9 pm, Fil/Am.....Hall
7:30 - 9 pm, Fesitval Mtg....Library

Friday, June 14th
All Day, Kindergarten Grad/Family Night....Hall
6 - 10 pm, Athletic Board.....Library

Sunday, June 16th
10 - 11:30 am, Fil/Am Choir.....Hall 


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2300 Adeline Drive, Burlingame, Ca 94010-5599
(650) 340-7474

A Contemplative Retreat - June 12-16
Sister Ispriya

Embracing the Heart of Nature - June 24-29
An Exploration of Eco Spirituality
Speakers will be:
Duane Elgin,
Thomas Hand, S.J.
Sister Jose Hobday, OSF,
Braine Swimme and
Gabriele Uhlein, OSF

300 Manresa Way, Los Altos 94022
(650) 948-4491

Faith, Friend, and Freedom - June 14-16
Recovery Retreat for Men/Women
Fr. Gavin Griffith, O.F.M.

Our Human Search for God - Aug. 9-11
Silent Retreat for Men
Fr. Joseph Fice, S.J.

Summertime Sobriety - Aug. 16-18
What Happens Now?
Recovery Retreat for Women
Fr. Thomas Weston, S.J.

250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, Ca 94025-3218

Awakening to the Handprints of God - June 22
Prayer and Photography
Carol Fowler

TAIZÉ Prayer Around the Cross is offered on the third Thursday of every month from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. No fee. 

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