St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, July 7, 2002

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

July 7, 2002
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners,

Some seven years ago I arrived at St. Robert’s after serious spinal surgery. I have experienced the friendship and support of Father Ring and my brother priests; the encouragement of our Irish Presentation Sisters; the affirmation of our Parish Staff; the dedication of our Parish School Principal and Faculty; the fidelity of our CCD teachers; the cheerfulness of our Parochial and Religious Education (CCD) kids; the devotion and good humor of our organizations (RENEW) and parishioners. Together you have put me back on my feet. Now I am asked to go to St. Raymond’s Parish in Menlo Park (another Parochial School; another CCD) I will succeed the Associate Pastor there, Fr. Ed. Bohnert-the new Pastor of St. Veronica's. I go to my new assignment with the confidence your love and prayers have given me. Sometime in September we’ll have a chance to say "Goodbye." For now;


Father Morris


Dear Parishioners,

Each year, on July 1st, new assignments take place for many priests here in the Archdiocese. New pastors or administrators are going to twelve parishes, and many associate pastors ("parochial vicars") such as myself will be re-assigned.

Like Fr. Morris, I have received a new assignment, and I will be moving to St. Veronica’s in South San Francisco.

I came here three years ago, and have found St. Robert’s to be a wonderful parish. I really do count myself blessed to have been here mainly because of you, the people of St. Robert’s.

A verse from the Bible frequently comes to mind when I consider God’s goodness to me:

"You give marvelous comrades to me,
the faithful who dwell in your land."

Well, the time has come to say goodbye to you "marvelous comrades" as I move to St. Veronica’s. I won’t be very far away, so I’m sure I’ll see some of you around town. And though I’ve loved being here, I am excited about my new assignment, having spent a year at St. Veronica’s when I was a seminarian on my "pastoral year" in 1992-93.

Fr. Morris and I expect to be back to attend St. Robert’s Parish Picnic on September 7, when many people who are away on vacation will be back in town. God bless you.

Fr. Mark Taheny



Once again we will have our annual contest for the Parish bulletin from a vacation church you worshiped at during the summer. The prize goes to the family who submits one from the farthest point from St. Robert’s. As you know, I enjoy seeing what is happening at other parishes, so bring them to me even if your vacation destination is the Russian River or Santa Cruz.

Father Ring



The 5:30 p.m. Mass is in need of ushers. Call Mike Salvato.


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7/08 Monday 6:30
Ignacio Aceanas †
Deacon Paul Moriarty
7/09 Tuesday 6:30
Thomas Dearer †
Leo Pieretti †
7/10 Wednesday 6:30
Bernard Niehuser †
Elda Salvi †
7/11 Thursday 6:30
 Anne Edwards
Ann Belieu †
7/12 Friday 6:30
Patti Hall
Josefina Mercado
7/13 Saturday 8:30
Marsilia Santarelli †
Grace Williams †
7/14 Sunday 7:30
Frederick Young †
Felice Dellegrazie †
Giuseppe Pignati †
People of St. Robert's
Maria Giordano †

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Zechariah 9:9-10
Romans 8:9, 11-13
Matthew 11:25-30


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As a Parish Community, we Pray...For the land of the free and the children of the free.....Especially those in danger of losing their right to life. May they be welcomed and protected from all harm.



We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Robert Bacci, Ilaria Belluomini, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Joseph Calleja, Arthur Candia, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, Walton & June Dickhoff, Sandra & William Dill, Carl Edwards, Adela Florez, Henry Fosson, Fred Gaedeke, Jim Halpin, Denise Hawald, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Abelardo Landin, Josephine Lavoie, Marky, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Jeanne McHugh, Terry McLeod, Josefina Mercado, Sal Milizio, George Mitchell, Catherine Murtagh, Louis Ricardo, Pauline Speranza, Kari Stellino, Bernadine Trenchard, and Don Vickery.

Please call the Rectory if you have a friend or family member who is ill or in the hospital and would like a visit from our Clergy.



Michelle Larsen and Mark Francesconi



Colin Ignatius Clifford


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St. Robert’s came in 1st Place for Cash for Class, winning $2,000. Congratulations to all of you who helped make this possible and a big thank you to Linda Cuddy.


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St. Robert’s web site is:

While out out town you can check for nationwide Mass times and locations at (1-800-627-7846) or Internet at


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Building for a New Century

Pledge/Gifts as of June 28
Number of Families
Actual cash received as of June 28 $432,519.16

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June 12, 2002

We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch items for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children’s Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9:00 am on June 12th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated.

We appreciate all your help.



Our St. Vincent de Paul Society is in need of peanut butter & jelly, canned stew, "cereal", canned ham, tuna fish, canned pasta, coffee and hot chocolate. Please bring items to the rectory.

Catholic Worker House in San Bruno is in need of vegetable oil, trash bags (all sizes), canned meat (especially Spam), airspray, fresh fruit, margarine, napkins, and canned soups. Please bring items to the rectory.


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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Mission Hospice, Inc., of San Mateo County. They are looking for a diverse group of caring and compassionate individuals to volunteer. To learn more, you are asked to attend an informational meeting:

When: Wednesday, July 17th, Noon meeting: 12:00 p.m to 1:00 p.m. or After work meeting: 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Where: Mission Hospice, 151 W. 20th Ave., San Mateo.

Please RSVP to Patricia Castagnola if you are interested in attending (650) 554-1000.

Direct Care Volunteer training will take place on six consecutive Saturdays starting Sept. 14th - Oct. 19th.


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FIL/AM Group: Monthly meeting will be held on Thursday, July 11th, in Hennessy Hall from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. All new and current parishioners are welcome. For information, contact Esperanza Halili.


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Monday, July 8th
7:30 - 8:30 pm, St. Vincent de Paul.....Library
6:00 - 10:00 pm, Men’s Club......Hall

Tuesday, July 9th
6:30 - 8:30 pm, Legion of Mary......Library
8:00 - 9:00 pm, Youth Group.....Kitchen

Thursday, July 11th
7:30 - 9:30 pm, Festival Meeting.......Library
7:30 - 9:00 pm, Fil/Am......Hall

Sunday, July 14th
10:00 - 11:30 am, Fil/Am Choir......Hall 

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