St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, August 25, 2002

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

August 25, 2002
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Friends,

It seems such a short time since I wrote to wish you a happy vacation. Now it is time to prepare for a new school year. With the opening of school just a few days away the last minute preparations are appearing like ghosts on the horizon. We all operate differently. Some like to be ready weeks ahead of schedule; others wait until the last minute. Sounds like the Gospel Reading about the laborer in the vineyard. Those who arrived on the scene at the end of the day received the same wages as those who worked hard all day. The "Early Birds" may resent the latecomers but with the Lord there is no difference. He welcomes us whenever we come to Him. How comforting! But just because He is so patient we should do our part to make him feel welcome in our homes and in our hearts. What a good resolution to make as the school year begins.

Every blessing on you and your families
Sister Ita


In Kenya, East Africa lives a tribe of 1.9 million people known as the Wakamba. In 1969 their tribal lands of 7,200 square miles of semi-desert became a diocese in the Catholic Church. One of the first priests ordained from the tribe is now their bishop, Bishop Urbanus J. Kioko.

The people, and thus their church, are desperately poor. In this semi desert region they depend entirely on the rains to come twice a year to grow their crops of corn and beans. Very often the rains fail. Successive years of drought and resulting famine characterize their way of life. Last year they had a very poor crop because the rains failed in many areas in the Fall. Our Spring rains this year, however, are good and they expect a good crop.

Malnutrition is their greatest problem. In normal times 25% of their children die before the age of five years and a further 15% die before the age of 14. To combat famine conditions and poverty the diocese has various nutritional feeding programs: nutritional diets for pregnant and nursing mothers, for children of various age groups and supplementary diets for the aged. The diocese also maintains other programs e.g. education in land usage, village health care, clean water projects, building small homes near schools for disabled children, an orphanage, setting up small businesses for school graduates and savings and credit institutions.

In 1969, when the diocese was formed, only 2 of the 29 priests working in the territory were native. Today, the people are ministered to by 105 priests (95 of whom are of the Wakamba tribe), 113 sisters (40 of whom are native), and 23 native religious brothers. There are 40 central missions from which 1,000 out stations or mission churches are currently served. Each station has it’s own parish council with a catechist. Presently there are over 1000 catechists. As many as 30,000 adult catechumens prepare for baptism. Last year, 21,862 were baptized bringing the Catholic population to 613,263 people. The Junior seminary has 145 students and 97 senior seminarians are preparing for ordination to the priesthood.

Father Tom Timmins, C.S.Sp. will speak to us this weekend and will ask for our help. Please be generous.

Father Ring


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8/26 Monday 6:30
Ray DelCarlo †
Richard Kollerer †
8/27 Tuesday 6:30
Dorothy Yoggerst †
Frank & Ann Cericola †
8/28 Wednesday 6:30
Jeanne McHugh
Vincensa & Joseph Fenech †
8/29 Thursday 6:30
Alice Delucchi †
Jenny DalPorto †
8/30 Friday 6:30
George Morris †
Elaine Flynn †
8/31 Saturday 8:30
Dorothy Yoggerst †
Josephine Brandelli †
9/01 Sunday 7:30
Special Intention
Albert Caccia †
Joseph McClelland †
Rosina & Gaetano Bernardo †
People of St. Robert's

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jeremiah 20:7-9
Romans 12:1-2
Matthew 16:21-27


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Hospitality of Music Ministry

About three years ago, when we last conducted a parish survey, there was a section in it for people to evaluate the way we celebrate liturgy and specifically, liturgical music. I had to laugh and shake my head after reading all of the survey responses, because we had nearly 50% saying, "We need some new songs!" and about 50% saying, "What happened to the good old songs? I can’t sing all these new songs!"

With any large group it’s a challenge to be hospitable because there are wide variations in what people need and desire. In music ministry, we try to consider what people want to sing, are capable of singing, and need to sing, i.e. with texts that express well the mysteries and values of what we believe. Good music ministers, will try to do certain things in order to be hospitable through their ministry toward the members of the assembly-at-large. Some of these things include:

Being well-prepared. Whether it’s purely for the beauty of the music or in order to lead others in music, liturgical musicians need to prepare themselves well, knowing the music and being "warmed-up," so that our music-making can more readily speak to the heart.

Considering the needs and abilities of each assembly. This plays out in the choices of songs we make, what key we play them in, etc. Liturgical documents exhort us to make a threefold judgment about the music we choose: 1) Is it good music? 2) Is it appropriate for the liturgy or part of the liturgy being celebrated? and 3) Does it work—is it good—for the people?

Music ministry isn’t rocket science, but it can be complex and challenging!! We are called to lead the musical participation of the entire assembly. That is our call to hospitality. Pat Vallez-Kelly


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As a Parish Community, we pray...For the young men and women of our parish community who are going away to college. May they know that our thoughts and prayers are always with them.



We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Robert Bacci, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Joseph Calleja, Arthur Candia, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, Walton & June Dickhoff, Sandra & William Dill, Carl Edwards, Adela Florez, Henry Fosson, Fred Gaedeke, Denise Hawald, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Abelardo Landin, Josephine Lavoie, Marky, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Jeanne McHugh, Terry McLeod, Josefina Mercado, Sal Milizio, Catherine Murtagh, Louis Ricardo, Doris Ross, Pauline Speranza, Kari Stellino and Don Vickery.

Please call the Rectory if you have a friend or family member who is ill or in the hospital and would like a visit from our Clergy.


Our sincere sympathy to the families of
Ilaria Belluomini & Catherine Thom
who died recently. 



The "Emergency Prayer Network" will pray for your specific intentions whenever some crisis arises in your life. If you call, our group will pray fervently for three days for you and your special intention. Call Michele Pipinich. Let us know how things turn out so that we can praise God for His faithfulness.



We have several wicker flower baskets available. If you would like to have one, please contact Pat Vallez-Kelly at 589-2800.


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Building for a New Century

Pledge/Gifts as of August 16th $1,590,418.25

Cash received to date


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Plans are being made for this year’s annual parish festival:

"Under Construction"

which will be on September 27th, 28th and 29th, 2002, and, as always, the Barbecue and Food Booths are in need of your help. Several people are needed to work in these two very popular booths and everyone from the parish is welcome to help. Most shifts are for two hours, but you can work for as many hours as you would like and on all three days if you wish.

This year’s menu will include those all time favorites: delicious barbecued tri-tip steak sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, polish sausages, Domino’s Pizza, nachos, soft drinks, candy and much more.

If you can help in any way, please contact Louise and Ray Downs.


We have over 25 food and game booths that need to be manned. The schedule is 2 hour slots at a time. It’s a fun event for the entire family! Please call Mars Cadiz for more information or to sign-up! 


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Mass in Mandarin Chinese is celebrated every first and third Sundays of each month at 3 pm at St. Matthew’s Church in San Mateo. If you have any questions, phone 650-685-2228. 


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Monday, August 26th
7 - 9 pm, Women’s Guild....Hall
7:30 - 9 pm, Drop-In Support....Offsite
7:30 - 9 pm, Grownups.....Library

Tuesday, August 27th
6:30 - 8 pm, Legion of Mary......Library
7 - 10 pm, Women’s Guild Set-Up.....Hall
7:30 - 9pm, 5:30 Mass Choir Practice......Church

Wednesday, August 28th
9 am, Back to School Breakfast.....Hall
6:30 - 9 pm, Festival Band Practice....Hall

Thursday, August 29th
7:30 - 9:30 pm, Festival Meeting.....Library
7:30 - 9 pm, Liturgy Committee.....Mary’s Chapel

Sunday, September 1st
10 - 11:30 am, Fil/Am Choir......Hall 


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St. Robert’s web site is:

While out-of-town you can check for nationwide Mass times and locations at (1-800-627-7846) or Internet at

A Catholic Site for Seekers: A new internet ministry from the Franciscans (sponsors of St. Anthony Messenger Press) seeks to help inactive Catholics reconnect with a local Catholic faith community. This site,, offers a special place where inactive Catholics can ask questions, interact with on-line companions, find resources and reconnect with a local parish. This website may also be beneficial for those of you are practicing Catholics.

Website for Catholic Youth: Disciples Now is an innovative and faith-filled web-based ministry for Catholic teens. It has been developed by youth ministers, campus ministers, catechetical leaders, and diocesan staff members in partnership with publishers and other youth-serving agencies. It includes a "Since you asked" feature with responses to teen questions of faith and life by Fr. Gary Bagley, Director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Buffalo, New York as well as a variety of interactive catechetical and fun features. Nearly 3500 teens visit the site each day. Feel free to check it out on the web at


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We welcome you into our Parish!

Tim & Michelle Naehring & Family
Richard & Francesca Amezquita & Family
John & Suzanne Zaro & Family

If you’re new to St. Robert’s, we ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, the mail, or at the parish office. We will send you a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups.


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A few months ago, a parishioner came to me and suggested there be a history of St. Robert of the House of God located in the front on the vestibule of the Church. After much thought and discussion, we now have a wonderful bronze plaque on the front wall of the Church. It will remind all of us of the importance of our patron saint and how we can continue his mission today.

Thank you to our parishioner for his idea and his gift.

Father Ring



Just a reminder about our annual contest for the Parish bulletin from a vacation church you worshiped at during the summer. The prize goes to the family who submits one from the farthest point from St. Robert’s. As you know, I enjoy seeing what is happening at other parishes, so bring them to me even if your vacation destination is the Russian River or Santa Cruz. Drop off your bulletins at the rectory.

Father Ring


Congratulations To All St. Robert's School Graduates and School of Religion
Class of 1998

We are proud of the members of our Parish who have graduated from High School in June and are now taking the next steps in their journey.


Angela DaSanMartino
College of San Mateo: Diana Becerra, Ursula Berninzon, Lisa DiPietro, Sarah Dowd, Justine Fonseca, Jennifer Hennessey, Bobby Sandoval, Robert Susoeff, Dana Tandy, Mary Vinal, Aaron Young, Eduardo Zepeda
Grossmount - San Diego: Tristan Lalami
Skyline: Cassandra Almeida, Philip Barsetti, Mario DiStefano, Michelle Giessner, Elaine Harris, Danielle Psaila, David Rollin, Michelle Saccheri, Laura Williams
West Valley - Saratoga: Michael Loftus

Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo:
Luca Benedetti, Jennifer Kitchin
Chico: Matthew Albertolle, Jenna Romero, Danielle Salvato
Hayward: Nancy Colombo
Long Beach: Jim Donati, Jason Stamer
Sacramento: Allison Guynn
San Diego: Justin Boland, Leigh Burns
San Francisco: Danielle Valiao
San Jose: Christopher Caceres, Stephen Giusti, Kristina Hansell, Alan McKenna, Angelina Tufo

Kim Lockwood, Ashley Montross
San Diego: Sean Dunleavy

Joseph Gumina
Loyola (Chicago):
Caitlin Monaghan
New York University: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
University of Arizona: Julene Veach
University of the Pacific:
Amy Gamble
University of San Francisco: Christopher Caughman
Working: Dominique Costanzo, Anthony Elliott


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St. Robert School will open for the 2002-2003 school year on Wednesday, August 28th, at 8:00 am. All parents are invited to our Opening Day Breakfast at Hennessy Hall following the 8:30 am Mass. Our Opening School Mass will be on Friday, September 6th, at 8:30 am. All parents are welcome to attend. Back to School Night for parents will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd, at 7:00 pm in Hennessy Hall.

St. Robert School, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded to or made available to students at this school. At. Robert School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin, age sex or disablity in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.


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Registration is now taking place for Religious Education Classes. Classes for K through 5th grades are held on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Classes for 6th graders are held on alternate Tuesday evenings in Hennessy Hall. Classes for 7th & 8th graders are held in the evenings in Teacher’s homes. Classes for 9th graders are held on alternate Tuesdays evenings in Hennessy Hall. Classes for 10th graders (Confirmation) are held on the 1st Sunday of the month. For more information or to register, please call the Religious Ed Office at 588-0477.

Sister Mary has a few openings for teachers in Religious Education Kindergarten through 5th grade on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. If interested please call her at 588-0677.


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The Mervyn’s "Child Spree" was as successful as could be, involving over 80 children and as many chaperones. The store opened two hours early, so these children shopped for $100 worth of clothing for school. We want to thank the St. Robert’s Teen Club, supervised by Diana Landin & Joan Semeniuk, and the girl volunteers: Marium Marshall, Jessica Nuti, Denise Valiao, Megan Susoeff and Loren Tordsen. Chaperones were Sandy Mangold, Patricia Mooney, Lisa Deluca & Sophia Chester. Thank you very much.

....Wally Mooney, President

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