St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, December 15, 2002

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

December 15, 2002
Third Sunday of Advent


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Dear Friends,

A few mornings ago, we sat together in the darkness, awaiting the rising of the sun. We quietly talked about the Season of Advent and our theme —- CHRIST, OUR LIGHT AND OUR HOPE.

Today we too need Christ’s Light and Hope to shine through the darkness which sin has created in our world —- the sins of prejudice, injustice, oppression, hatred, violence and war. These sins have stolen peace from our hearts and from our world.

We, as individuals, may feel helpless and often hopeless in bringing about a just and lasting peace —- of becoming a kingdom of forgiveness and love. We are not helpless! We are not hopeless! We have Jesus —- Our Light and our Hope —- to lead us. He shows us God, Our Father, who forgives us and loves us unconditionally —- He asks only that we come to Him, seek His forgiveness and love Him and one another.

It may seem a colossal task to change our world; but each of us has a chance, with Jesus help, to change ourselves. On Monday, December 16th, at 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, December 21st, at 3:00 p.m., all are invited to our Advent Reconciliation Services. We will gather as family; listen to God’s Word; pray together with one voice; examine our consciences and confess our sins. Our priest will then speak to us the words of absolution.

We will be filled with peace and joy as we discover a deeper relationship with our God. We will experience His mercy, forgiveness and love to share with all the world.

All we have to do is come—- Jesus will do the rest!

Gene and Anna May


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As you know, during Advent we make specific spiritual, liturgical, and even organizational preparations for our celebration of the feast of Christmas and the Christmas season which follows it. As it so happens this year, we are also taking this time to make preparations for long-term changes in our liturgy—namely, those concerning kneeling during the Eucharistic Prayer and before Communion and bowing before receiving Holy Communion.

Last week we noted that these changes are not insignificant nor arbitrary. Primarily, they are directed toward our sense of reverence toward God during the Mass. The way we worship together becomes a large part of our witness to the world that the Holy Spirit of God is alive within us, helping us to be authentic, believable witnesses for Jesus Christ. The way we worship helps us become a better Church as the sacrament—the visible sign—of Jesus Christ in the world.

The way we worship is also a public expression—a witness—to our unity and common faith. No single Christian, no congregation, no parish is an island unto itself. We share the Eucharist ritual with many, many others with whom we consider ourselves united. This is another reason why changes are called for. More next week . . . Pat V.-K.


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Monday - December 16
Readings: Nm 24:2-7,15-17a     Mt 21:23-27

Mass Intention
Marie Devlin †
Noel Lille †
Communal Reconciliation 7:30p Church
Tuesday - December 17
Readings: Gn 49:2,8-10     Mt 1:1-17
Mass Intention 6:30
Annie Murray †
Dorothy Giannini †
Religious Education
Legion of Mary
Advent Prayer Group
Choir Practice
Hall & Church
Convent Chapel
Wednesday - December 18
Readings: Jer 23:5-8     Mt 1:18-24
Mass Intention 6:30
Catherine Ring †
Maria Teresa Aloise †
Cheerleading Practice
Choir Practice

Thursday - December 19
Readings: Jgs 13:2-7,24-25     Lk 1:5-25

Mass Intention 6:30
Marie DeMartini †
Billy P. Towne †
8th Grade Lunch
Religious Education
School Board Mtg.
Hall & Church
Convent Chapel
6th Gr. Classroom

Friday - December 20
Readings: Is 7:10-14     Lk 1:26-38

Mass Intention 6:30
Rufino Aranez †
Giuseppe Pignati †
Cheerleading Practice 3:30p Hall

Saturday - December 21
Readings: Sg 2:8-14     Lk 1:39-45

Mass Intention 8:30
Apaz Villarama †
Timothy Leahy †
Communal Reconciliation 3:00p Church

Sunday - December 22
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Readings: 2Sm 7:1-5,8b-12,14a,16    Rom 16:25-27    Lk 1:26-38

Mass Intention 7:30
John A. Mocelin †
Steve Tonegato †
People of St. Robert's &
Bob Nastor & Family
Timothy Baptista †


All items for the Dec. 29th bulletin
must be in the parish office by Wed. Dec. 18th.

All items for the Jan. 6th bulletin
must be in the parish office by Mon. Dec. 23rd.


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As a Parish Community, We Pray...For Christians everywhere. May Jesus - Our Light and Our Hope - transform us into His Mercy and Compassion in the world.



Joshua Laxina Garcia &
Ava Elizabeth Cordero



Dear Parishioners,

Hospitals can no longer provide priests and sisters lists of Catholic patients. Therefore, the only way we can know if a member of your family or a neighbor is in the hospital is if you phone us at 589-2800-Fr. Ring, Fr. Hamilton, Father Marini and Sister Ita

We pray for the ill: Regina Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Robert Bacci, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Maricris Candelaria, Arthur Candia, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Zenaida Cortez, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, Walton & June Dickhoff, Sandra & William Dill, Carl Edwards, Joyce Flax, Adela Florez, Henry Fosson, Fred Gaedeke, Jesse Grube, Gladys Haff, Denise Hawald, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Abelardo Landin, Shirley Latham, Josephine Lavoie, Greg Lille, Marky, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Terry McLeod, Josefina Mercado, Sal Milizio, Catherine Murtagh, Thomas O’Brien, Louis Ricardo, Bill Reilly, Doris Ross, Pauline Speranza, Don Vickery, William Wegman, Jennifer Westbrook & Frank Wright. 


Our sincere sympathy to the families of
Sebastiano Sollecito,
Albert Baccei,
Donald Marshall &
Cathy Lund
who died recently.



Christmas Poinsettias will decorate the Church during the Christmas Season. If you would like to make a donation of $10 (please make check out to St. Robert’s, Poinsettias Fund) toward their purchase in memory of a loved one, fill out the form below and return it to the Parish Office by December 23rd. A memorial list will be published in the bulletin.

My gift is in memory of:______________________

My gift is in honor of:________________________

Given by:__________________________________



In preparation for Christmas, we have the opportunity to experience Christ - Our Light and Our Hope - in His Sacrament of Forgiveness. We are all sinners in need of reconciliation with our God and with one another. Jesus offers us His mercy and His love on

Monday, December 16th, at 7:30 p.m. and
Saturday, December 21st at 3:00 p.m.

In this Communal Celebration, we come together as family to receive God’s pardon and peace.



Please see the magazine rack in the vestibule of church for a list of courses to be offered by the Archdiocesan School of Pastoral Leadership beginning in January. Tuition assistance is available from the parish for some courses.

For more information, visit the SPL website at



Calendars are available at all entrances of the Church this weekend and next.



Many parishioners contribute "behind-the-scenes" toward making Advent and Christmas a beautiful time. A heartfelt thank-you goes to Verna Freed for coordinating our missalette switch with Gene May at the beginning of Advent. Verna has done this for many years running and deserves a hand!

Special thanks also to those who helped decorate the Church: Theresa MacNaughton, Sue O’Halloran, Marc Howes, Tom Dachauer and his crew. They find hours in the day that some of us never knew existed to take care of these things. We are grateful to them all.


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Please visit the Child’s Liturgy-Giving Tree in the vestibule of the church. Help yourself to one of our tree decorations with a gift suggestion of any gift you wish. Please place the unwrapped gifts into the box at the tree. The last day for bringing gifts will be Sunday, December 22nd.

This is our 11th year of sponsoring the "Giving Tree" and over the years the needs of the community have changed. We still need toys. The agencies we serve have requested some adult items such as: underwear, socks and hygiene items.

Once again thank you for your generosity and your help in celebrating the joys of giving to others this Christmas.

Children’s Liturgy



REMINDER: Gifts will be collected after all the Masses this weekend, December 14th and 15th, for distribution next week.

If you have any questions, please call:
Rob or Cathy Aveson
John or Eileen Grealish



There are several members of our Parish Family who are ill, aged or disabled. Many of them are confined to their homes or to nursing homes. We can bring CHRIST - OUR LIGHT AND OUR HOPE - to them by letting them know they are remembered and loved. A Christmas gift will show them that we care. Some suggestions are: knee socks, slippers, lap robes, nightgowns, pajamas, sweaters. Please put them in the baskets on our altar steps. We ask that your gifts be new, not used, and unwrapped. The cut-off date is Thursday, December 19th, so that Sister Ita and her helpers can wrap and deliver your gifts.



Communal Celebration of the
Sacrament of Penance

Monday, December 16th 7:30 p.m.
Saturday , December 21st 3:00 p.m.

Christmas Masses

Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24th
4:30 p.m., Children’s Choir
8:00 p.m., Evening Choir
12:00 a.m., Midnight Mass, Adult Choir

Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25th
7:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
NO MASS at 5:00 p.m.

New Year’s Day
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Wednesday, January 1, 2002
9:00 a.m. Only

The Parish Office will be closed
Tuesday, December 24th, at noon
Wednesday, December 25th
Thursday, December 26th and
Wednesday, January 1st. 


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This Holiday Season

Final performances will be:

December 22nd at 4:00 p.m.
at St. Catherine of Siena Church
1310 Bayswater Ave.

Admission is free though donations benefiting the Priest Retirement Fund will be accepted. 



The Maltese Cross Foundation is proud to announce its eighth annual Vella-Dankwerth Cultural Scholarship for students of Maltese descent in the San Francisco Bay Area. High school seniors, college freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are eligible to apply. Completed applications are due by March 17, 2003. For more information, please contact Janet Dankwerth-Plack (707) 591-8878 or Jennifer Dankwerth-Strunk (650) 273-1356. 


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PARISH COOKBOOK- Submit your favorite recipes to be included in the

1st Annual Parish Cookbook.

Recipes can be dropped off in the church vesituble by Sunday, December 29th. Please include your name and phone number.


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St. Robert’s web site is:

While out-of-town you can check for nationwide Mass times and locations at (1-800-627-7846) or Internet at - Spiritual help for families. 


No community whether family, village or state is really strong if it will not carry its weakest members. They belong to it no less than the strong, and the quiet work of their maintenance and care, which might seem useless on a superficial view, is perhaps more effective than common labor, culture, or historical conflict in knitting it closely and securely together. On the other hand, a community which regards and treats its weak members as a hindrance, and even precedes to their extermination, is on the verge of collapse.

-Karl Barth


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Kindergarten Application

Applications for St. Robert School Kindergarten for the 2003/2004 school year will be accepted in the School Office Monday-Friday, January 6th through the 10th, between 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. The screening fee for each applicant is $25.00

Please bring copies of your child’s birth and baptismal records, a recent family photograph and your child’s social security number. Screening dates will be assigned on completion of the application.

Requirements for School Registration:

Family must be registered and participating members of St. Robert’s Parish or St. Bruno’s Parish. This means that the family is involved in Parish life and the financial support of the Parish. Applications will be accepted for children who are 5 years of age by September 1, 2003. All acceptances will be based on student screenings and parent interviews.

Non-Discrimination Policy

St. Robert School, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at this school. St. Robert School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

Open House

St. Robert School will hold its annual Open House on Monday, February 3, 2003. The evening will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Church followed by classroom visitations. All are welcome.

Albertson Community Card. If you shop there and need a card please call Linda Cuddy.

EScrip...If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so. Our group number is 137045398. Check it out on line -

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