St. Robert's Catholic Church |
1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Tel: (650) 589-2800 |
Dear Friends, In today's Gospel we hear the apostles say, "We have seen the Lord". During Holy Week and on Easter Sunday many of us could say the same. Our services were so beautiful, reverent and inspiring. Now that we are back to our everyday busy lives had the experience of Jesus made any difference in our lives? If it was just a nice comfortable feeling I would imagine that it has vanished by now. What does Resurrection really mean for us? The disciples met the Risen Christ but they were challenged by that experience. They were to go out and make disciples of all people. How about us? That challenge is the same for us. How are we doing? Jesus is alive in those who are one in mind and heart, who share what they have with each other. The early Christians were so transformed that non-believers could say of them, "See how these Christians love one another". Do we find Christ in our community? He can be found in the sick, the elderly, and in those who accept their suffering with patience and dignity. Little children are a constant reminder of him. Anyone who reaches out to a person need of any kind reveals his love and kindness. Yes, we are Jesus people. Let us always remember what the resurrection means for us. We can always rise above our faults, sins and failings and embrace the new life Jesus gives to us daily. And let us remember that our neighbor also receives this new life. We all are God's children. May you experience to the full the peace Jesus gives this Easter Season. Sister Ita |
Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, With Confidence and Faith, we pray through Christ, Our Lord. Amen |
Easter Here and Now We had a bit of an unusual Holy Week at St. Robert's this year in that we had four funeral masses here during the week. It must have been a poignant, perhaps difficult, and hopefully faithful time for family and friends to have seen their loved ones pass into death and eternal life. Christ's passion, death, and rising were very present to us this year. Sometimes we struggle with praying the liturgy of the mass because its language and vocabulary doesn't seem to be ours, or it speaks of ethereal ideas or seemingly unfulfilled promises, yet one thing is true: we live out the ministry and the dying and rising of Christ in our lives, here and now. And, as I'm sure many of us can testify, the grace of renewed, hopeful, joyful life, connected with God, rarely is given without some struggle or dying-to-self to accompany it. Christ is our Savior here and now because the way he opened himself to death and new life gives us hope a hope we cling to and trust in radically. This Easter, I'm hopeful for the fulfillment of a promise we pray in one of our Easter Eucharistic Prayer prefaces:
Pat Vallez-Kelly |
- April 28 |
Mass Intention |
6:30 8:30 |
Leonard A Ferringo Peter Tonegato |
Drop-In Support Grownups |
7:30p 7:30p |
Offsite Library |
- April 29 Readings: Acts 4:32-37 Jn 3:7b-15 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Kathleen Corby Peter Tonegato |
Religious Education Legion of Mary Lenten Prayer |
3:30p 6:30p 7:00p |
Church & Hall Library Convent Chapel |
- April 30 Readings: Acts 5:17-26 Jn 3:16-21 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Dorothy Bryant Ferruccio Fanti |
7th Gr. Cheerleaders Choir Rehearsal Youth Group |
3:00p 7:30p 7:30p |
Hall Church Library |
- May 1 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Wally Masten Geraldine Patterson |
Religious Education RCIA Parish Planning Committee Parish Council Sub-Comm. Youth Group |
3:30p 7:00p 7:30p 7:30p 7:30p |
Church/Hall Convent Chapel Library Rectory Hall |
- May 2 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Mary Jane Mondell Bridie McKenna |
School Mass 8th Gr. Grad. Mtg. |
8:30a 7:00p |
Church Hall |
- May 3 |
Mass Intention | 8:30 4:30 |
Edward Bizal John Collins |
Eucharistic Adoration Golf Tournament Dinner |
9:00a 6:00p |
Church Hall |
- May 4 |
Mass Intention | 7:30 9:30 11:30 5:00 |
Joseph Emilio Tom & MaryAnne Begley People of St. Robert's Tom Walsh |
Fil/Am Choir Practice Neophyte Mass Youth Group |
10:00a 11:00a 3:00p |
Hall St. Mary's Mahoney Room |
As a Parish Community, We Pray...For our young women and men who were confirmed this weekend; for their teachers and for their sponsors. May the Holy Spirit strengthen them in faith and fill them with peace, hope and love. |
Dear Parishioners, Please notify the priesthouse (589-2800) if a loved one is in the hospital. We pray for the ill: Marilyn Arancibia, Robert Bacci, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Maricris Candelaria, Arthur Candia, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Zenaida Cortez, Ana Cosgaya, Walton & June Dickhoff, Sandra & William Dill, Carl Edwards, Joyce Flax, Adela Florez, Henry Fosson, Jesse Grube, Gladys Haff, Denise Hawald, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Shirley Latham, Josephine Lavoie, Greg Lille, Marky, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Terry McLeod, Joseph Mifsud, Sal Milizio, James Morrisey, Thomas O'Brien, Louis Ricardo, Bill Reilly, Doris Ross, Mary Shick, Pauline Speranza, Gene VanSlett, Don Vickery, Jennifer Westbrook & Frank Wright. |
Our sincere sympathy to the families
of |
On Saturday, May 3rd, between 9 and 10 am, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be celebrated. During our busy lives it is sometimes difficult to find time to sit and listen as Jesus speaks to our hearts. This hour on every first Saturday of the month is a golden opportunity to relax in the presence of our Lord. He is calling us. Are we listening? |
May Crowning and Flores de Mayo processions honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary will be held next Sunday, May 4th, at the 9:30 and 11:30 Masses. Children are encouraged to come early to Mass for the entrance procession and to bring flowers to place at the statue of Mary. Call Esperanza Halili, Pat Vallez-Kelly at 589-2800, or MaryAnn Saisi for details. |
As a spiritual gift to your mother, you will find cards in the vestibule of the Church to have her remembered in the Holy Sacrament of the Mass offered at St. Robert's in observance of Mother's Day, May 11th. |
Been away from the Church for a while? Need some guidance back? Married in a Civil Ceremony? Interested in the Sacrament of Marriage? Divorced? Want to know your status within the Church? Compassionate, sympathetic, honest ear is available to try and answer your questions. Afternoon, evening and Saturday appointments are available. Please call the rectory or email me, |
Dear Parishioners: On Monday, April 28th, the students of the school will formally begin classes in the new PRESENTATION EDUCATION CENTER. I am sure that for the kindergarten class and the computer, science and art classes, this day will be very special and one I hope they remember throughout the years. they will be able to say: "I was there when St. Robert's Parish took another step toward the future of Catholic education." Although the formal dedication is not till May 24th, it is time to give thanks to God for the generosity of over six hundred families who made a financial sacrifice for the good of the Parish. Aside from the school, the CENTER will be used for Religiuos Education classes and for Parish meetings. Thanks also to all the volunteers who helped in the fund raising campaign, the Finance and Building committees and those who have helped in building the storage shed and other improvements in the upper yard. Remember that the yard can now be used for parking for Sunday Mass and for evening meetings. Thanks also to the members of the Women's Guild for the wonderful dinner dance that was enjoyed by so many and is a source of funding for Catholic education in our Parish. On behalf of the whole Parish, thank you to all who prepared the Liturgies for Lent and Holy Week. You helped us on our journey. Sincerely, |
CENTER Centering Prayer Weekends - May 2-4 Encountering Mary - May 3 SAN DAMIANO Mothers Time: Nursing Your Spirit - May 9 Grief Retreat: Healing the Heart - May 30-June 1 SANTA SABINA CENTER Dialogues with Silence - May 16-18 The Sacred Feminine - May 30-June1 |
A Tea and Shower Fund Raiser is being held today, Sunday, April 27th from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Mercy Center, 2300 Adeline Dr. Burlingame. It is sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul Society with the Sisters of Mercy, to benefit Catherine's Center, a transitional place of safety and dignity for women to live after leaving jail or prison. Please join them for this special event. |
Let the rain come and wash away the ancient grudges, the bitter hatreds held and nurtured over generations. Let the rain wash away the memory of the hurt, the neglect. Then let the sun come out and fill the sky with rainbows. Let the warmth of the sun heal us wherever we are broken. Let it burn away the fog so that we can see each other clearly, so that we can see beyond labels, accents, gender or skin color. Let the warmth and brightness of the sun melt our selfishness, so that we can share the joys and feel the sorrows of our neighbors, and let the light of the sun be so strong that we will see all people as our neighbors. Let the earth, nourished by rain, bring forth flowers to surround us with beauty. And let the mountains teach our hearts to reach upward to heaven. Amen |
We welcome you into our Parish! Philip & Ruth Galli & Family If you're new to St. Robert's, we ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, the mail, or at the parish office. We will send you a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups. |
St. Robert's web site is: help for families. Daily Prayer Online-We invite you to make a `Sacred Space' in your day, and spend ten minutes, praying here and now, as you sit at your computer, with the help of on-screen guidance and scripture chosen specially every day. |
May 3rd-17th Annual St. Roberts Golf Tournament at Franklin Canyon. For reservations call Dennis Dorn. |
I wish to thank everyone involved with this year's Passion Play. It was another huge success, but it could not have happened without the help from Bob Baker for his direction, Diana Landin and Lorriane Ballas for their handling of the cast, Tom Tullius for many jobs he performed, Lisa Baldonado, Karen Baker and Rita Tullius for their support and Pat Vallez-Kelly for the music direction. The adult and teen musicians and singers who enhanced our performance. Dick Epting for the sound and Dan Cascino for the lighting and the Parent(s) for their support and mostly to the teens for bringing us a living gospel and for sharing their faith. We will see you next year. Sincerely, |
Our St. Vincent de Paul Society is in need of canned fruit and vegetables and all non-perishables. Please place these items in the baskets in church. |
Catholic Worker House in San Bruno is in need of socks, pasta, cooking oil, and laundry volunteers (once a week or once a month-call 827-0706). Please bring items to the Rectory. |
We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch items for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children's Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9:00 am on May 14th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated. We appreciate all your help. |