St. Robert's Catholic Church |
1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Tel: (650) 589-2800 |
Dear Parishioners: ENCYCLICAL
LETTER OF POPE JOHN PAUL II The thought of this leads us to profound amazement and gratitude. In the paschal event and the eucharist which makes it present throughout the centuries, there is a truly enormous "capacity" which embraces all of history as the recipient of the grace of the redemption. This amazement should always fill the chruch assembled for the celebration of the eucharist. But in a special way it should fill the minister of the Eucharist. For it is he who, by the authority given him in the sacrament of priestly ordination, effects the consecration. It is he who says with the power coming to him from Christ in the Upper room: "This is my body which will be given up for you. This is the cup of my blood, poured out for you." The priest says these words, or rather, he puts his voice at the disposal of the One who spoke these words in the Upper room and who desires that they should be repeated in every generation by all those who in the church ministerially share in his priesthood. I would like to rekindle this eucharistic "amazement" by the present encyclical letter, in continuity with the jubilee heritage which I have left to the church in the apostolic letter Novo Millennio Ineunte and its Marian crowning, Rosarium Virginis Mariae. To contemplate the face of Christ and to contemplate it with Mary is the "program" which I have set before the church at the dawn of the third milennium, summoning her to put out into the deep on the sea of history with the enthusiasm of the new evangelization. To contemplate Christ involves being able to recognize him wherever he manifests himself in his many forms of presence, but above all in the living sacrament of his body and his blood. The church draws her life from Christ in the eucharist; by him she is fed, and by him she is enlightened. The eucharist is both a mystery of faith and a "mystery of light." Whenever the church celebrates the eucharist, the faithful can in some way relive the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus: "Their eyes were opened and they recognized him" (Lk 24:31). |
- July 21 |
Mass Intention |
6:30 8:30 |
Martin Moynihan Salvatore Fenech |
- July 22 Readings: Ex 14:21--15,1 Jn 20:1-2,11-18 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Emmanuel Andrew Borg Cecilia Latrelle |
Legion of Mary Youth Group |
6:30p 7:30p |
Library Hall |
- July 23 Readings: Ex 16:1-5,9-15 Mt 13:1-9 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Genoveva Boydon Rosina Bossio |
- July 24 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Leonora Acenas Fran Presta |
- July 25 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Teresa Corcoran Rita Fambrini |
- July 26 |
Mass Intention | 8:30 4:30 |
Kathleen Corby Natalie Giovanni Vanni |
- July 27 |
Mass Intention | 7:30 9:30 11:30 5:00 |
People of St. Robert's John McHugh Patricia Rael Angela Semenza |
Fil/Am Choir Practice | 10:00a | Hall |
LITURGY AT ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL Archbishop William J. Levada invites the faithful to participate in the Sesquicentennial Liturgy on Sunday, July 27, 2003 at 3:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco, celebrating 150 years since the founding of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. |
As a Parish Community, We Pray... For those we love who are ill. For those who are dying. Though they walk in the dark valley, may they fear no evil, knowing that Jesus is always at their side. |
Nicolas Jacob Fernandez Perreras |
Dear Parishioners, Please notify the priesthouse (589-2800) if a loved one is in the hospital. We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Gabrielle Ausiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Robert Bacci, Genaro Badiable, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Maricris Candelaria, Arthur Candia, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Zenaida Cortez, Ana Cosgaya, Walton & June Dickhoff, Sandra & William Dill, Carl Edwards, Joey Ferguson, Joyce Flax, Adela Florez, Henry Fosson, Frances Friedman, Jesse Grube, Denise Hawald, Dominique Hauscarriague,Jr, Viko Ivancich, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Sisilia Langi, Shirley Latham, Josephine Lavoie, Greg Lille, Marky, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Terry McLeod, Joseph Mifsud, James Morrisey, Thomas O'Brien, Jason Pimentel, Louis Ricardo, Bill Reilly, Doris Ross, Mary Shick, Pauline Speranza, Mafi Tukumoatu, Gene VanSlett, Don Vickery, Jennifer Westbrook & Frank Wright. |
Our sincere sympathy to the families
of |
The "Emergency Prayer Network" will pray for your specific intentions whenever some crisis arises in your life. If you call, our group will pray fervently for three days for you and your special intention. Call Michele Pipinich. Let us know how things turn out so that we can praise God for His faithfulness. |
We welcome you into our Parish! Robert & Adelaida Gallagher If you're new to St. Robert's, we ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, the mail, or at the parish office. We will send you a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups. |
"Computers for Beginners" will be the first course for adults of the Parish in the new computer room at the PRESENTATION CENTER. The six week series of classes will begin on Saturday, September 20th, and will continue every Saturday till the end of October. The class time will be from 9:15 a.m. till 10:30 a.m. Mark your calendars and plan to catch up with your grandchildren. The teacher will be Patrick McHale, the father of students in our school and a computer "whiz". |
St. Robert's is starting a new book club. Our first meeting was July 7th and we are off to a good start. We welcome anyone in the parish who would like to attend. Our new book is "Jesus - A Gospel" by Henri Nouwen. It is available at any major book store. We will be discussing this book Tuesday, August 12th, at 7 pm in the Convent Chapel. Please RSVP to Colleen Soracco, Club Moderator, if you will be joining us and/or if you have any questions |
Plans are being made for this year's annual parish festival "Western Weekend". As always, the Barbecue and Food Booths are in need of your help. Several people are needed to work in these two very popular booths and everyone from the parish is welcome to help. Most shifts are for two hours, or you can work for as many hours as you would like and on all three days if you wish. This year's menu will include those all-time favoritesdelicious barbecued tri-tip steak sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, polish sausages, Domino's Pizza, nachos, soft drinks, candy and much more. If you can help in any way, please contact Louise and Ray Downs. |
Mark your calendars for this year's Parish Picnic for all St. Robert's parishioners at the Beckner Shelter in San Bruno Park. Watch for announcements in this bulletin and in the parish website ( for picnic sign-up dates and other details. We're also now recruiting volunteers to help in publicity, parishioner sign-up, shopping, transportation of food, equipment and tables, food preparation and cooking, food serving, park decoration, games and activities for children and adults, and clean-up. To volunteer please call Manny Ortiz. |