St. Robert's Catholic Church |
1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Tel: (650) 589-2800 |
"In solitude we learn to
explore, Stan Kennedy Dear Parishioners, Lent, is just around the corner. It is just thirteen days away. So, I am sure that you are already planning what you will do extra, more perfectly, or "give up" for Lent. You are preparing your new "beginnings". Saint Robert's is making Spiritual Reading available to you this Lent and what better way to celebrate Lent than to spend some quality time reading and reflecting about God, Prayer, or Spiritual things. Lent means "springtime" or "the lengthening of days". So it is the ideal time to lengthen our time daily with our God. May God bless and keep you and may you be His (God's) special Valentine this year. Sister Patricia |
To facilitate all those who wish to check out a Spiritual book for Lent, we will have some books available in the vestibule of the Church on a Library cart after the Masses. This is our first time checking out these books and we are very excited about being of "Reading" service to you. Saturday, February 14 and 21 Volunteers are needed to help with the checking out. sister Patricia 589-0104. |
This month we will host a Grief Support Group and plan to do so on the 4th Saturday of every month at 3:00 p.m. (before the 4:30 Mass) in the Convent Chapel. February 28th we will meet with the Parents who are trying to cope with the loss of a child. March 27th we will meet with the Widowers and work with them in their sorrow and bereavement. We hope to make this a monthly Ministry. We ask you to pray for its success. For more information call Sister Patricia 589-0104. |
- February 9 |
Mass Intention |
6:30 8:30 |
John Brennan Emma Johnson |
Women's Guild Mtg. St. Vincent de Paul |
6:00p 7:30p |
Hall Library |
- February 10 Readings: 1 Kgs 8:22-23 Mk 7:1-13 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Helena Stansfield Pasquale & Maria Aloise |
Religious Education Legion of Mary Athletic Board Mtg. Choir Liturgy Committee Mtg. Teens |
3:30p 6:30p 7:00p 7:00p 7:30p 8:00p |
Hall/Church Library Mahoney Room Church Convent Chapel Hall |
- February 11 Readings: 1 Kgs 10:1-10 Mk 7:14-23 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Helen Connolly Ian Matic |
8th Gr. Cheerleaders 8th Gr. Dinner Dance Reh. Religious Education Choir Practice Bible Study |
3:00p 4:30p 6:30p 7:00p 7:30p |
Hall Hall 6th Gr. Classroom Church Convent Chapel |
- February 12 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Deceased Dowd Family John Erasmy |
Religious Education RCIA Fil/Am |
3:30p 7:00p 7:00p |
Hall/Church Convent Chapel Hall |
- February 13 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Ivan Gregor Charles Agius |
8th Gr. Cheerleaders 8th Gr. Dinner Dance Reh. |
3:00p 4:40p |
Hall Hall |
- February 14 |
Mass Intention | 8:30 4:30 |
Marija Boncic Adolph & Rita Fambrini |
8th Gr. Dinner Dance Reh | 4:30p | Hall |
- February 15 |
Mass Intention | 7:30 9:30 11:30 5:00 |
John A. Mocelin People of St. Robert's John Collins Mary Julia Quinn |
Fil/Am Choir
Practice 8th Gr. Dinner Dance Reh. |
10:00a 6:00p |
Hall Hall |
As a Parish Community, We Pray...On this World Marriage Day....That the sanctity of marriage will be respected and honored. May husbands and wives love one another and be a sign of hope for all people. |
Dara Delucchi & Douglas Kawka |
We would like to update the following list. Please review and call the rectory at 589-2800 if someone you know can be taken off the list. We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Gloria Alchera, Marilyn Arancibia, Gabrielle Ausiello, Brady Avery, Robert Bacci, Genaro Badiable, Lito Badiable, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Maricris Candelaria, Arthur Candia, Carmen Capella, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Ana Cosgaya, Walton & June Dickhoff, William & Sandra Dill, Carl Edwards, Joyce Flax, Adela Florez, Henry Fosson, Jesse Grube, Denise Hawald, Dominique Hauscarriague,Jr, Sue Humphrey, Viko Ivancich, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Sisilia Langi, Shirley Latham, Josephine Lavoie, Austin Lehman, Marky, Michael Martinez, Kathryn McCann, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Terry McLeod, Josie Mercado, Aurelia C. Munar, Thomas O'Brien, Lara Pinten, Jason Pimentel, James Piazza, Bill Reilly, Mary Shick, Pauline Speranza, Ron Stern, Justo Tan, Joan Thomsen, Mafi Tukumoatu, Gene VanSlett, Kristi Varni, Don Vickery, Diana Walter, Jennifer Westbrook & Frank Wright. |
Dear Parishioners, |
Our sincere sympathy to the families
of |
We welcome into our Parish! Lauren McLaughlin If you're new to St. Robert's, we ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, the mail, or at the parish office. We will send you a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups. |
Take the Risk! Often the first reading and the gospel have the same theme. This Sunday, all three readings are closely related. Isaiah has an experience of God which frightens him and attracts him at the same time. In the Hebrew understanding of God, no one could see God and live and yet Isaiah does just that. He hears God's call [as Jeremiah did in last week's reading] and proclaims, "Here I am, send me!" Paul has let his experience of the risen Christ change him totally from a persecutor of the followers of the Way [what followers of Jesus were originally called] to its strongest preacher. The disciples have been fishing all night in vain when Jesus tells them to go out into deeper waters. They do so and catch more fish than their nets can hold. Take a chance! Leave your comfort zone and do what I ask you! During this Ordinary Time, we're challenged to take the gospel seriously, to make it practical in our everyday lives. What does that mean for you and for me? If the gospel doesn't influence our daily lives, how can we say we're Christian? For me at this moment in my life, it means that I entrust my Mom to the caregivers at the Alzheimer's residence and pray for her and for them. I trust that even though during this last visit she couldn't express her thoughts in words, God will give us the strength to live through this and the time I dread most: when she won't know me. We sold my folks' home in Sacramento in October and by May, we will have left the motherhouse where I've lived on and off for 20 years. And I trust that my blood sisters, my Franciscan sisters and my Lord will be my home. Where are you already conscious of the Spirit's presence with you? Where might the gospel touch your daily life more deeply? Small Faith Sharing Groups for Lent Would you like to better understand the powerful scripture readings of the Lenten season and get to know some of your fellow parishioners better as well? Deacon Rusty Duffey and Sr. Sheral will be offering weekly small groups which will meet six times during Lent and once after Easter. No previous knowledge of the Bible necessary! Sr. Sheral's group will meet Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am and Deacon Rusty's group will meet Tuesday evenings at 7 pm. If you're interested in either of these groups, please call the rectory and let one of us know. You're most welcome! Peace, Sr. Sheral |
Dear Parishioners, Those of us who attend Church here at St. Robert's parish have been blessed with many gifts. God calls us to use our gifts in a life giving way; to bring life to others by sharing our abundance with them. Just as Jesus came that we might have a more abundant life, we should use our worldly goods to help those less fortunate than ourselves. When everyone participates the burden is lighter and the church grows and flourishes. Each year, through the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, we are invited to participate with Archbishop Levada in meeting needs of others that cannot be met by any single parish. The Archbishop depends on the people in all the parishes of the Archdiocese to provide the money for this important work. None of the money raised in this Appeal will be used to settle sexual abuse cases. People that benefit from the Appeal include youth, the elderly, the sick, the disabled, families and ethnic minorities. These programs assist all the parishes and the Annual Appeal even provides direct subsidies to some of the poorer parishes and schools. The programs include vocations, training of priests and deacons, hospital ministry, family life programs and the marriage tribunal. It is important to remember that as a parish we are assessed $79,700. If parishioner pledges don't come to that amount, it will have to come from the parish bank account. The good news is that if our pledges are for more than that amount, the excess is returned to us to use here in the parish. When I think of all the ways we could use that money, it makes me want to encourage each of you to be generous and to pledge all that you can afford. We can truly make this parish and the Archdiocese better places to live for all. I've filled out my own pledge card and urge you to do the same. Your support of this campaign is strong evidence of your faith and your love of the church and of your neighbor. If you have not received Appeal information in the mail, please phone Judy at the Parish Office at 589-2800 and the information will be sent to you. Extra packets are also in the vestibule. Sincerely, |
Let us all get together for a Sunday Brunch February 8th at noon at the Embassy Suites, 150 Anza Blvd. in Burlingame. Call Bunny Moniz for more information. |
Monday, February 9th. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. $10 for the evening! Come and enjoy the MYSTERY GUEST. Call Teresa Nussbaum or email |
Have you finished reading the "The Da Vinci Code" for our next meeting which is Tuesday, February 17th at 7p.m. in the Mahoney Room? If you have any questions please call Colleen Siracco. |
The Grownups buffet luncheon will be held Sunday, February 22nd after the 11:30 Mass. Tickets are $12.50 each and will be sold after the Masses on the weekends of February 7th-8th and 14th-15th. Reservations can also be made by calling Dolores Moynihan, LaVerne Buller, Dolores Johnson or Vera Hannon. |
Saturday, March 6th This is our annual dinner/auction that has been a great success throughout the years. Tickets are $75.00 per person. For tickets please contact Karen Martinez |
**The silent auction committee for the Dinner/Dance is in need of auction items. If you can donate gift certificates, a business service, cabin rentals, etc.; these are just examples of items we can use. Donations are needed by February 23rd. Please call Anna Carroll. |
During Teen Room Office Hours, feel free to come to do homework, hang out, socialize, play a game or talk. I hope to see you at as many events as possible - real soon! Teen Room Office Hours are as follows: Monday: 2:30 - 7:30 pm |
Monday, February, 9th-Special meeting for Juniors and Seniors, 6:3-8p.m. in the Teen Office. Tuesday, February 10th-Youth Mass Music Practice, 7-9 p.m. in the church. Other teens may prepare lunches for AIDS patients from 8-9 p.m. in the Hall, call Diana Landin and let her know what you will be bringing. Sunday, February 15th-Youth Mass at 5 p.m and social to follow. Tuesday, February 17th-Prepare lunches for the homeless from 8-9:30 p.m. in the Hall, call Diana Landin and let her know what you will be bringing. Tuesday, February 24th-Social night in the Hall, 8-9p.m. |
Listed are a few of the food stuffs that we are running low on: jams and jellies, canned vegetables, cereal and oatmeal, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, juices, packaged cookies, condiments, and canned meats and tuna. We are also collecting Scrip for MOLLYSTONE, ALBERTSON'S, LUNARDI'S, and SAFEWAY. You may make out certificates to Saint Vincent de Paul and either mail them or drop them in the rectory mailbox. As always, we thank you for your continued generosity and support. |
We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch items for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children's Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9 a.m. on February 11th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated. We appreicate your help! |