St. Robert's Catholic Church |
1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Tel: (650) 589-2800 |
Dear Parishioners, Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! No, Im not responding to one of the dumbest commercials on television; Im responding to the gospel passage this weekend. We all know how empty it feels, when we think we are taken advantage of or when we think we are being taken for granted. Yet, I wonder how often we actually say a prayer of thanksgiving and praise to our Heavenly Father. Are we no better than the nine lepers in this weekends Gospel, if we accept Gods daily gifts with an attitude that we deserve such gifts because were good people? Many of us are very blessed indeed. How often we take for granted the blessings we have been given! Its not so much that we arent thankful,we just forget to stop and express our gratitude, to recognize and praise the source of all goodness. O God, we thank you for the blessings of this day. May we be ever mindful of your love in the midst of lifes joys and burdens, and may all your people experience your peace this night. I thank God for the ministries and services we share. -Deacon Duffey |
In case youre new to the parish, it would be good for you to be aware that here at St. Roberts weve tried to accommodate different groups in the parish by different styles of liturgy. The 9:30 am Mass Sunday is geared towards families with children: the music is upbeat; kindergarteners through fifth graders are sent forth from this Mass to hear the scripture readings at their own level and participate in sharing led by well-prepared adults. The 5 pm Mass Sunday is geared towards youth and young adults with music and homilies addressing their needs. The 4:30 pm Saturday and the 7:30 am and 11:30 am Sunday Masses are a bit more traditional, hopefully meeting the needs of the parish at large. Of course, anyone is most welcome to participate in whichever Mass you wish. |
Rectory and School |
- October 2 |
Mass Intention |
6:30 8:30 |
Barry Malatesta Deacon Jack Bourne |
St. Vincent de Paul Parish Directory meeting |
7:00p 7:00p |
Mahoney Room Library |
- October 3 Readings: Gal 5:1-6 Lk 11:37-41 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
James D. Young, Sr. John P. Murphy |
Scripture Reading Parish Directory Religious Education Legion of Mary Liturgy Committee Mtg. |
9:30a 3:00p 3:30p 6:30p 7:00p |
Mary's Chapel Mahoney Room Church/Hall Library Convent Chapel |
- October 4 Readings: Gal 5:18-25 Lk 11:42-46 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Kathleen Loftus Cliff Buelow |
7th Gr. Cheerleading Parish Directory Choir Practice |
3:00p 3:00p 7:00p |
Hall Mahoney Room Church |
- October 5 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Gary Cross Emilio Alcheera |
Religious Education RCIA Fil/Am Grandparent's Day Set-up |
3:30p 7:00p 7:30p 8:15p |
Church/Hall Convent Chapel Library Hall |
- October 6 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Alfredo Tan Rina Farrugia |
Grandparent['s Day 8th Gr. Cheerleading |
8:30a 3:00p |
Church/Hall Hall |
- October 7 |
Mass Intention | 8:30 4:30 |
Giuseppe Pignati Bill Wilson |
Computer Class Pastoral Council Grownups |
9:00a 9:30a 3:00p |
Computer Classroom Hall Hall |
- October 8 |
Mass Intention | 7:30 9:30 11:30 5:00 |
Emilio & Mocelin Families Leo & Francis Navarra People of St. Robert's Jack Ballard |
Grownmups Fil/Am Choir Youth Ministry Confirmation Class Youth Ministry |
8:00a 10:00a 12:00p 3:00p 6:00p |
Hall Library Church Hall Hall |
As a Parish Community...We pray, for Catholics throughout our nation, that the values of our faith guide us as we exercise our responsibility as voters. |
Kristen Vers & Erik Veimoen |
We pray for the ill: Olga Aiello, Sharon Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Alejandro Ayllon, Robert Bacci, Genaro Badiable, Lito Badiable, Patrick Burke, Maricris Candelaria, Arthur Candia, Carmen Capella, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Salvador Canjura, Cindy Corona, Ana Cosgaya, Walton Dickhoff, William & Sandra Dill, Dan Drew, Carl Edwards, Adela Florez, Jesse Grube, Claire Hamilton, Denise Hawald, Dominique Hauscarriague,Jr, Viko Ivancich, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Sisilia Langi, Shirley Latham, Josephine Lavoie, Austin Lehman, Lena Lucarotti, Michael Martinez, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Terry McLeod, Josie Mercado, Mary Novickas, Thomas O'Brien, David Papageorgiou, Lara Pinten, Jason Pimentel, James Piazza, Helen Restani, Mamo Scanlan, Pauline Speranza, Bill Stockinger, Justo Tan, Mafi Tukumoatu, Kristi Varni, Diana Walter & Jennifer Westbrook. |
We would like to update this list. Please review and call the rectory at 589-2800 if someone you know can be taken off the list: |
Our sincere sympathy to the families
of |
Over 30 years ago, we were told that legal and widely available abortion was the key to ending discrimination against women and the solution to a host of social problems. Today we face the devastating results: More than forty million unborn human lives lost, untold numbers of others wounded. Children and other family members abused in ever-increasing numbers. And more women and children living in poverty than ever before. Abortion is not a solution. In the U.S. every year, 1.6 million children die from abortion. The powerful propose yet more abortion, government-funded abortion, as the cure. How long will we refuse to see the bankruptcy of our choices? How long will we refuse to act? How long, O Lord, how long? (National Conference of Catholic Bishops) |
Last weekend, I helped lead a celebration of gratitude for Grace Day Home, a childcare facility which our Sisters have sponsored for 84 years. There were old photos, singing, sad faces of parents, staff members and Sisters, balloons and many hugs all around. Reading the journals in the archives, we learned that our sisters had opened a Japanese Mission in 1934 in the hopes of converting some of the families. Included among the children were a crippled child, a developmentally disabled child and two children of a leprous mother. Though the health department had declared that the children were not lepers and therefore, not contagious, I cant help but admire the courage of the Sisters to risk peoples fearful reactions. (One of the children actually developed symptoms of leprosy in his fingers and eventually joined his mother in a special hospital in Louisiana.) The school did well until the spring of 1942 when all the Japanese were taken to internment camps. Our Sisters continued to visit these families in Tulelake, the only visitors allowed. So many times these Sundays, the gospels have mentioned unlikely members of the kingdom of God: the wastrel son, the poor Lazarus (everyone knows that to be poor and sick is to be cursed by God!), Paul who actually persecuted the earliest followers of Jesus. And the first reading and the gospel today include lepers cured by the power of God. We need only remember when AIDS first struck and the fear accompanying it when no one knew exactly how it was transmitted. People responded to leprosy in the same way, without benefit of our modern day knowledge of viruses and bacteria. And these lepers were foreigners: Naaman was from Syria, though unfortunately the passage read doesnt include that fact, and at least one of the ten cured were not Jewish. Can we be open to what the scriptures are telling us? Gods love and mercy reaches out to ALL: those despised by their society, those who dont even necessarily believe in God! How amazing! So can we imagine that God is always reaching out to us as well? If weve been raised being scrupulous, afraid that were sinning all the time, can we try to focus on God instead of ourselves? Can we imagine running into the open arms of God, as to a loving Father? And if we believe that God is that good, can we try to let the Spirit reach others through us? Peace and every blessing. Attention, Eucharistic Ministers! Whether youre new or a veteran, please be sure to save Wednesday, Oct. 20 at 7 pm or Saturday, Oct. 23 at 9 am for the Eucharistic Minister workshop in the church. We need to have every Eucharistic Minister be present for one or the other. Both will include reflection on the meaning of this important ministry and some practical aspects. Fr. Joe Healy and Sr. Sheral will be leading the Wednesday evening session; Sr. Sheral will be leading the Saturday one. If you have questions, please call Sr. Sheral at 589-2800. |
October Womens Guild meeting on October 18th. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. cost is $10. Please R.S.V.P. to Teresa Nussbaum or email |
The Annual Womens Guild Craft night will be held on Monday, November 8th. The cost of a table is $10.00 and for one-half of a table is $5.00. Please contact Teresa Nussbaum to reserve your table! email |
Annual Communion Luncheon will be held in Hennessy Hall on Sunday, October 17th, after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Tickets are $12 each and will be sold after the weekend Masses. Tickets are also available by calling LaVerne Buller, Dorothy Branch, Dolores Moynihan or Vera Hannon. Tickets will not be sold at the door. |
ATTENTION .Let us get together for lunch at Dominic's at the Popular Creek Golf Course in San Mateo on October 24th at noon. Please respond by October 21st to Bunny Moniz. |
Join TIPPS for our Halloween get-together!! Friday, October 29th, 6:30 p.m. in Hennessy Hall Kids costumes are optional. There will be a potluck-please bring an item to share with six people, and a toy for your child to play with (no balls or weapons please). Feel free to invite new TIPPSters! As was discussed at our last meeting, we would love to see all the kids in costume-BRING YOUR CAMERA. See you then!! |
FESTIVAL RAFFLE NEWS Congratulations!!! $2,000 Tom DeMartini Thanks to everyone who particpated! |
We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch item for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children's Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9 a.m. on October 13th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated. We appreicate your help! |
Saint Roberts Grief Support Group will hold their next meeting on October 23 in the Convent Chapel from 3-4:15p.m. (before the 4:30 p.m. Mass). Anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved onespouse, sibling, child, parent friend, or relative is invited to come and pray, share, comfort and be comforted. You are invited to bring a companion for support and strength. God Bless you in your sorrow. Sister Patricia-589-0104. |
We just heard that the room well have at Mercy Center can only accommodate 50 women, so if youd like to come to this retreat on Saturday, November 13 from 8:30am to 3 pm, please pick up a pink form at the main entrance to the church, fill it out with your $30 donation and drop it by the rectory or the school, addressed to Sr. Sheral or Donna McGuigan. Reservations are due by October 29. We hope to see you there! |
A NEW PARISH DIRECTORY COMING OUR WAY A NEW SIGN UP THIS WEEKEND Photos will be taken in the Mahoney Room PHOTO DATES ARE: Pick your date and sign up this weekend THE DIRECTORY COMMITTEE NEEDS
The Youth Group will celebrate its one-year anniversary in the parish NEXT SUNDAY with a special Youth Mass at 5 p.m. Fr. Tom Hamilton will celebrate the Mass and I ask anyone in the parish who has given anything to the youth group, please join us on that night. No matter how small you thought your gift/contribution was, we would like to recognize and thank you. There have been so many generous people that individual invitations are not possible. Any questions, please feel free to contact me at (650) 255-0791 or SRYOUTHMINISTER@AOL.COM. **The Youth Group meets every Sunday after the 5 p.m. Mass in the Hall, feel free to join us. -Juan Santos |
Catholic Teaching on the Call to Family, Community, and Participation The human person is not only sacred, but social. The God-given institutions of marriage-a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman--and family are central and serve as the foundations for social life. Marriage and family should be supported and strengthened, not undermined. Every person has a right to participate in social, economic, and political life and a corresponding duty to work for the advancement of the common good and the well-being of all, especially the poor and weak. -USCCB Administrative Committee, |
Early registration deadline has been extended to October 11th. If you are looking for a day of renewal and inspiration join us October 30th at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium. Rev. Ron Rolheiser, well known for his weekly column in the Catholic San Francisco, will be our keynote speaker. There are 36 workshops offered in English, 14 in Spanish and 2 in Vietnamese. Topics range from Spirituality to Parenting, Globalization to Jesus in the Movies. For more information and a brochure call (415) 614-5650 or visit our website at |
Thank you for your generous donation of $3,642.33 to the Priests Retirement Fund. |