St. Robert's Catholic Church |
1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Tel: (650) 589-2800 |
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Besides being the feast of the Mother of God, New Years Day is also the World Day of Prayer for Peace. So, I would like to share with you some thoughts about personal peace, inner peace. Because we are not able to enjoy whatever tranquility there might be in the world if we are at war within ourselves. And because peace on earth begins with each one of us. Peace is not just the absence of war. Peace is also a certain harmony, a sense of quiet, of order in our lives. Peace is a feeling of being at one with each other and within our own selves. Most of us try to arrive at this peace by rearranging the world according to our personal desires. But when that doesnt work, we finally are forced to agree with Dante: In Gods will is our peace. If we are ever going to find peace, we will have to start accepting the bad things in life. Not that God sends them on purpose; but once they are here, then they form part of Gods providence for us. So, first, we should follow the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity Many things in life cannot be changed. We cannot change our heredity or aging or sickness or the weather. It merely destroys our good humor and peace to keep on carping about things that must be. A good exercise for inner peace is to think about all the bad things in your life that you cannot change and decide to accept them. One at a time. They still remain awful. But they lose much of their power over our peace once we come to terms with them. There is another approach to inner peace. If our peace really is doing Gods will, then the more we look at things from Gods point of view, the more peaceful we will be. So, think of all the things you used to hate and all the things you used to love when you were a child. Recall all those important things you thought you could not live with or without. Now, how many of them still matter today? Havent most of them lost their power, or been transformed, or simply passed away? Now, think of each thing that is important to you right noweither good or badand realize that from the perspective of eternity, it is a passing thing. It is not a matter of denying these wonderful or horrible facts. Living a full life calls for us to fully experience whatever happens to us. All we are trying to do here is to put all things in proper perspective-in the context of our total existence. We, too, like God, have to integrate the ugly and beautiful, the good and evil into the fabric of our lives. Because only in Gods will is our peace. Please know that I carry you in my heart and prayers as we journey forth together into the New Year. God love you; I do! Father Joe |
- January 3 |
Mass Intention |
6:30 8:30 |
Steve Perotti Bobby Sweeney |
Women's Guild Meeting | 6:00p | Hall |
- January 4 Readings: 1 Jn 4,7-10 Mk 6:34-44 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Elmer Nocentini Michael David Yanke |
Faith Sharing Group Religious Education Legion of Mary Parish Planning Committee Youth Ministry |
9:15a 3:30p 6:30p 7:30p 8:30p |
Mary's Chapel Hall/Church Library Mahoney Room Hall |
- January 5 Readings: 1 Jn 4:11-18 Mk 6:45-52 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Petelo & Mele, Ana, Sosefo Langi Alice Elizabeth Cronister |
7th Grade Cheerleading Choir Practice Bible Study |
3:00p 7:00p 7:30p |
Hall Church Convent Chapel |
- January 6 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Sister Barbara Buckley Amelia & John Rudometkin |
RCIA Religious Education Youth |
3:30p 3:30p 7:00p |
Convent Chapel Hall/Church Hall |
- January 7 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Edmond Giovannoni Barry Malatesta |
8th Grade Cheerleading | 3:00p | Hall |
- January 8 |
Mass Intention | 8:30 4:30 |
Mary O'Brien People of St. Robert's |
InBetweener's Pedro Tourn. Consolation Ministry |
8:00a 3:00p |
Hall Convent Chapel |
- January 9 |
Mass Intention | 7:30 9:30 11:30 5:00 |
James J. Murphy Patrick Cleary Giuseppe Pignati Milan Kovacevic |
Fil/Am Choir Religious Ed/Confirmation Youth Ministry |
10:00a 3:00p 6:00p |
Hall Hall Hall |
As a Parish Community...We pray for all who suffer the affects of drug and alcohol abuse .May Jesus touch their minds and hearts and free them from the prison of addiction. |
Dear Parishioners We will list the names that we have been asked to pray for during the week. We continue to ask each week that parishioners pray for the chronically ill of our parish. If you have a friend or loved one in need of our parish prayers please call the Rectory at 589-2800. Also, please remember our Emergency prayer network that prays for specific intentions that require a concerted effort due to their critical nature. To facilitate the network, please call Michele Pipinich at 589-4963. The network people then pray frequently for the next 72 hours. We would appreciate a return call with the outcome so we can praise God for His faithfulness: This week we pray especially for: |
Our sincere sympathy to the familY
of |
As always you are reminded to use good common sense in the reception of Holy Communion during the annual cold and flu season. If you are feeling ill or think you may have exposed to a virus, you should refrain from partaking of the Blood of Christ from the communal chalice. In the same way, you should refrain from offering your hand to others at the sign of peace. Likewise if you are not comfortable sharing the sign of peace or receiving Holy Communion from the communal chalice or fear of infection, you should feel no pressure to do so. All of us must be aware of such sensitive matters in the intimate life of the Christian community and we should expect that some will refrain from the sign of peace and the communal chalice out of care for our well being and not out of unkindness or a lack of piety. |
As the holiday season reaches its climax, you may feel the craziness. Remember you can always come to Church and visit with God to find some peace. You will find St. Robert's Church open from 6:30am Mass until 5pm. As you're going to or from work or school or on your way home from shopping why not come in and thank the Lord for the gift of his love. God's peace will refresh you. |
Your generosity is overwhelming. We were able to distribute hundreds of toys, gifts of clothing and gift certificates to children and young adults who otherwise would not have much of a Christmas. The gifts were delivered to St. Anthony of Padua dining room in Menlo Park, Womens Recovery Association in Burlingame and Catholic Worker Hospitality House in San Bruno. The gift certificates alone totaled over $700. Santas helpers again this year were Bob and Karen Baker and Ben and Lisa Baldonado. Bob and Karen faithfully collected the gifts from church and stored them in their home during the Advent Season. Both couples filled cars, trucks and vans to make the special deliveries right before Christmas. Thank you Bob, Karen, Ben and Lisa for many years of dedication to Childrens Liturgy and the Giving Tree.MaryAnn Saisi |
following loved ones were remembered at Christmas Allison Ahern from the Ahern Family; |
Spiritual Reading is available at St. Roberts after the Masses on Sundays. Please take a few minutes either before or after Mass and check out a book or two that interest you. You may keep the books until you are finished. We have some books on the Library cart but we have many more in the Library/Reconciliation room. Enjoy reading. |
After re-reading the beautiful cards you received during the Christmas Season, you really dont want to just throw them away. They can have a second life. Send the front portion of each to: St. Jude Ranch for Children The children there will turn them into new cards and use the proceeds to make their lives happier. They will take cards for all occasions too. Please do not bring your cards to the rectory. |
Applications for Kindergarten for the 2005/2006 school year will be accepted at the school office January 10th thru January 14th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Child must be 5 years of age by September 1, 2005. Please have copies of the childs birth certificate, baptismal record, Social Security card and a check for $30 to cover the testing fees. St. Robert School, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color and national and/or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded to or made available to students at this school. St. Robert School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national and/or ethnic origin, age, sex or disability in administration of educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school administrative programs. |
The Womens Guild and Mens Club cordially invite you to attend the Joint Meeting on Monday, January 3rd. Call that babysitter and step out for loads of fun. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the cost is $13 per person. R.S.V.P. to Teresa Nussbaum. |
The InBetweeners Pedro Tournament is Saturday, January 8th at 9:30 a.m. Call Tom Cordes to sign up. |
We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch item for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children's Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9 a.m. on January 12th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated. We appreicate your help! |
32 years later...on January 22, 2005 the Walk for the Life West Coast will challenge the idea that abortion has been a good choice for women. Make historyjoin thousands from all over the West Coast as we walk along San Franciscos historical waterfront in celebration of life. Come show support for everyone hurt by abortion. The Walk for Life will begin at 11 a.m. at Justin Herman Plaza. For more infocall (415) 586-1576 or visit our website |
At the THAI BUDDHIST COMMUNITY OF SAN BRUNO (Wat Buddhapradeep) 310 PoplarTonight, (Sunday January 2nd) From 5 to 6 p.m. - Prayer Vigils for the tragedy in Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia and elsewhere. Call Rev. Steve Brown at 302-8259 for more information. |
We welcome into our parish: If you're new to St. Robert's, we ask that you complete a registration form found in the vestibule of the church. Drop it either in the collection basket, the mail, or at the parish office. We will send you a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups. |
For Young Adults from 18-35 who would like to celebrate their Catholic faith with peers. It will be in Cologne, Germany with a 4 day pre-pilgrimage to Munich, Dachau and Fussen on beginning August 11th thru the 22nd. Bishop John Wester will be joining us. Fundraising and scholarships are available to subsidize the $3,000 cost. We will begin meeting in January 2005, so register today! For more information, contact Mary at (415) 614-5596, |
Signs of Hope I loved the prayerful quietness during so many of the Christmas liturgies as we heard the Word of God proclaimed so well and eagerly took in the excellent homilies from our priests and deacon. The music at all the liturgies was uplifting and joyous and rekindled our hope and enthusiasm for our faith. (Enthusiasm comes from en theos meaning in God!) Thank you to everyone who sang, played, served as a Eucharistic minister, greeter or lector. It is a gift to be part of this faith community. And we can rejoice in others who were also generous: the two women who lost sons in Al Fallujah who were heading to that town with food, medicines, and money to help the people their sons cared about. The Bocce Restaurant in North Beach served a white tablecloth and napkin dinner for the homeless on Christmas day. The owner is a Kurd who fled persecution in turkey and remembers what hes been through in his own life. The organizer is president of one of the St. Vincent de Paul chapters in the area. Neighbors and church people join the homeless for the monthly dinners. Surely, the coming of Emanuel is good news for all people. Relief agencies assisting the millions of people whose homes have been devastated by the tsunamis can surely use whatever donation you could make. Catholic Relief Services have a presence in most of the countries affected. Their address: Catholic Relief Services, 200 West Fayette St. Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3443,; their number: 888-277-7575. -Thank you |
There will be a 2nd collection For the relief of those stricken by the devastating tsunami in Asia. The Black and Indian Home Missions collection will be on the weekend of Janaury 15th and 16th. |