St. Robert's Catholic Church |
1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066 |
Tel: (650) 589-2800 |
Dear Parish Family, HAPPY EASTER It is with great pleasure as the Youth Minister that I write this weeks bulletin letter. It was a great honor to see so many our teens Confirmed yesterday. Some of our candidates have been preparing by attending classes twice a month for two years. I am very proud of all our candidates and challenge them to follow the example set by their older peers in accepting the responsibilities that come with being Confirmed. These responsibilities are things such as becoming a Lector, Eucharistic Minister, or joining the choir. Confirmation is not graduation and we as a parish still want to see you around and involved! Today I also challenge our parish as a whole. In the Gospel we hear the account of the journey on the road to Emmaus. Are we blinded and unable to find Jesus in everyday encounters? Do we worship a homeless person Sunday and neglect one the rest of the week? Finding Jesus in everyone we meet is NOT easy, but that is our challenge. Jesus tells us that its easy to love our friends, the challenge is to love our enemies. We are called to love our neighbors. But we may ask, who is our neighbor? As Fr. Healy recently said, our neighbor is not just the person at our BBQ, but rather everyone. This task may seem daunting and it is in no means easy. I know I fail at this. But its okay to fail and fall, were human. The question is do we use failures as a learning experience to grow from or as a setback? Our Heavenly Father knows were not perfect, nor do we have to be. There is only one perfect being, God. Jesus will always love and forgive, as we saw by Him forgiving those who nailed Him to the cross. This Easter Season, may this be our prayer. That we may forgive wholeheartedly, meet Jesus in all that we encounter, and make strangers a friend waiting to be discovered. Juan |
Congratulations! |
- April 11 |
Mass Intention |
6:30 8:30 |
Christopher Schaadt Joseph Russo |
Women's Guild Meeting St. Vincent de Paul |
6:00p 7:00p |
Hall Mahoney Room |
- April 12 Readings: Acts 7:51--8:1a Jn 6:30-35 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Joe Laroque Charles & Rita Agius |
Faith Sharing Group Religious Education Legion of Mary Liturgy Committee Meeting Youth Ministry |
9:15a 3:30p 6:30p 7:00p 8:30p |
Mary's Chapel Church & Hall Library Mary's Chapel Hall |
- April 13 Readings: Acts 8:1b-8 Jn 6:35-40 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Martin Moynihan Martin Moynihan |
7th Grade Cheerleading Band Practice Choir Practice Bible Study |
3:00p 6:00p 7:00p 7:30p |
Hall Hall Church Convent Chapel |
- April 14 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Mark Dias, Sr. Ernestina Uttini |
Religious Education RCIA Parish Council & Staff Meeting Fil/Am Group |
3:30p 7:00p 7:00p 7:30p |
Church & Hall Convent Chapel Mahoney Room Hall |
- April 15 |
Mass Intention | 6:30 8:30 |
Father Theodore Julita DeLara |
Youth Ministry/Ice Skating 8th Grade Cheerleading Athletics (uniforms) InBetweeners |
6:00p 3:00p 5:00p 6:00p |
Offsite Hall Library Hall |
- April 16 |
Mass Intention | 8:30 4:30 |
Pasquale Aloise Miro Krsulich |
- April 17 |
Mass Intention | 7:30 9:30 11:30 5:00 |
Joseph Emilio Paddy Duffy People of St. Robert's Antoinette Ortega |
Fil/Am Choir Legion of Mary Youth Mass Youth Ministry |
10:00a 12:30p 5:00p 6:00p |
Hall Mahoney Room Church Hall |
Enjoy an early Summer BBQ with ribs, chicken and all the fixings! Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Dinner cost is $10. Please rsvp to Teresa Nussbaum, email at |
We Are All The Same: a story of a Boys Courage and a Mothers Love, by Jim Wooten, is the next book for discussion. This is the book Msgr. Dreier mentioned in his homily last month. The book is an extraordinary story of the little South African boy whose bravery and fierce determination to make a difference despite being born with AIDS has made him the human symbol of the worlds fight against the disease, told by the veteran American journalist whose life he changed. |
Join St. Roberts TIPPS on Happy Hollow has lots of activities for young children and toddlers. The Pirate's Cove picnic area is reserved from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bring a picnic lunch or enjoy the snack bar. Our group rate is $5 per adult and child over 2. Free for children under 2. Parking is $6. For those wishing to leave together, we will meet in St. Robert's small parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Please contact Andrew or Ana Kimoto or email for reservations and directions. Feel free to invite new TIPPSters §pecial Note: In previous announcements and in the Across the Parish, the next meeting for TIPPS was scheduled for Friday, April 22nd. This meeting is cancelled because of the Happy Hollow Park and Zoo family picnic day on Saturday, April 23rd. Please tell your friends of the change. Andrew and Ana Kimoto will be available after 9:30 a.m. Mass this Sunday to accept your reservations and to answer your questions. We hope you all can participate. |
SOCIABLES Lets try something different. Dinner April 24th R.S.V.P. to Bunny Moniz |
Robert's Men's Club |
Saturday, April 30th |
We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch item for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children's Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9 a.m. on April 13th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items can be donated. We appreicate your help! |
As a Parish Community...we pray for our young people who have just received the Sacrament of Confirmation, for their parents, sponsors and teachers. May Jesus walk with them on their path of life. |
Sophia Sahet Oller, |
This Tuesday after the 8:30 am Mass, we will have Eucharistic adoration in honor of the Year of the Eucharist which the Holy Father proclaimed in the Fall. Please come by to spend a few minutes with the Lord, praying for your own intentions, praying for our Church in this time of transition and for the many needs of our world. |
EASTER COLLECTION - $30,997.95 |
Many religious groups are concerned that the federal budget which reflects the values and priorities of the nation is anything but moral. The proposed federal budget includes a 1.6 TRILLION dollar tax cut for the wealthiest Americans while 12 million households are judged food insecure in the past year by a study from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. WIC (Women, Infants and Children), food stamps and child nutrition programs are subject to .83% budget cuts. (WIC, for example, one of the most effective and well-administered programs ever provides healthy, protein-rich food vouchers and stands to be cut by $44 million.) Medicaid, child care and foster care are also to be cut. Discretionary programs such as education, medical care for veterans, and low-income housing are also slated for deep cuts. The deficit reduction needs to be fairly shared and not borne by the poor who can least afford it and didnt cause the deficit in the first place. According to the Center for budget and Policy Priorities, military spending, Homeland Security and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan represented 29% of the FY 2004 deficit, while 58% can be attributed to the tax cuts for upper-income citizens. Only 12% represents increases in domestic spending. If you want our countrys priorities to include the needs of the poor, call your senators and representative at 1-800-247-2971, asking to be connected with her/him. Tell the aide youd like to leave a message. Give the aide your name, address and phone number and convey to the aide some of the points made above and that cutting supports for the less fortunate jeopardizes the common good. Thank you. |
The Passing of A Pope So very much has been said and written about the amazing life and faith-filled death of our Holy Father that it almost seems presumptuous to write anything about him. No doubt, there will be books written by those who knew him well. He will be remembered for his stress on a culture of life, a term unfortunately co-opted by some politicians to gain votes, but by him to mean the profound respect we have for the human person from the moment of conception to natural death. I want to simply focus on three other aspects of his life. He put a high priority on evangelization spreading the good news, the gospel of Jesus - and he called the whole Church to look again at revitalizing our own faith, inviting back those who have left, and reaching out to persons who dont belong to any Church community. His travels, even when sickness caused him to tire more easily, were not for his own glory, but so that people in poor countries would know of his concern for their suffering and that people in rich countries would be reminded of the seductive dangers of materialism. How pleased he must be that in his death the values of the Church are being broadcast worldwide to those who otherwise might not have heard the message of Jesus! In death, he is reaching more people than the millions he reached in life. Like Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, John Paul II left us an example of how to die. And like Cardinal Bernardin who forgave the young man who slandered him, he publicly forgave Ali Agca, the young man who tried to kill him. Many of the values we hold as a Church come from our Jewish roots and are common to Buddhism, Hinduism and other world religions. Scholars have suggested that forgiveness is the unique Christian virtue, lived out so evidently by Jesus on the cross. John Paul II was humble enough to ask forgiveness, in the name of the whole Church, from the Jewish people of today who are still unfairly blamed by some Christians for the death of Jesus. He also asked forgiveness from the leaders of the Orthodox Church whose separation from us is an historical embarrassment, begging to be healed. How about us? When a grandparent dies, we honor them by trying to live out the values which guided him or her. If we truly respect and reverence John Paul II, might we not imitate his values and make them more evident in our lives? Let us pray with the whole Church that the College of Cardinals will be open to the Spirit who will continue to guide the Church towards the kingdom of God. |
April 16th and 17th |
4:30 p.m. Mass |
Presider | Msgr. Dreier |
Eucharistic Ministers | P. Schaukowitch (C), M. Murphy, B. Moniz, R. Larsen, B. Larsen, D. Bisagno, J. Quinn, B. Castro-Leon |
Lectors | C. Aveson and M. Dachauer |
Altar Servers | S. Compton and A. Nizur |
7:30 a.m. Mass |
Presider | Msgr. Dreier |
Eucharistic Ministers | W. Mooney (C), B. Mullins, C. Noce, M. Noce, Y. Giuseponi |
Lector | P. Lustic and J. Scanlan |
Altar Servers | J. Olcomendy and K. Ferris |
9:30 a.m. Mass | |
Presider | Father Healy |
Eucharistic Ministers | J. Romine (C), C. Zolezzi, A. Solis, L. Cesca, A. Romine, J. Kelly, P. Byrne, T. Jones, M. Saisi |
Lectors | T. Tullius and M. Paradas |
Altar Servers | J. Harders and N. Antonis |
11:30 a.m. Mass | |
Presider | Father Marini |
Eucharistic Ministers | C. Pacas (C), S. Stafaniuk, B. Pacas, F. Firpo, H. Madayag, C. Ortiz, P. Astero, L. Juvero, M. Giusti |
Lectors | C. Pisani and T. Tannis |
Altar Servers | T. Pisani and C. Lustic |
5:00 p.m. Mass |
Presider | Father Hung/Deacon Duffey |
Eucharistic Ministers | A. Ciraulo (C), D. Valiao, M. Ciraulo, M. Santiago, E. Donnelly, R. Atkinson |
Lector | C. Galletta |
Altar Servers | J. Belluomini and G. Delucchi |