St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, March 5, 2006

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

March 5, 2006
First Sunday of Lent



Dear Saint Robert’s family,

These past three weeks have been eye opening for me. When I saw my primary care doctor (who is also my cousin) this past week, I said to him “I was pretty sick that Sunday morning when I met you at St. Mary’s Emergency Room.” He started to laugh and told me it was a good thing I came in when I did. During nine days in the hospital, half of which in intensive care, I met wonderful people who cared for me. There were nurses from Saint Roberts, Epiphany and Saint Cecilia’s. One nurse in the ICU worked with me at CYO Camp in the 1970’s. One of the Emergency Room Doctors is a Saint Robert’s graduate.

I felt when I left the hospital last week that the worse was behind me and in reality I believe that is true. However the six to eight weeks of recovery are also proving to be a challenge. As you know, I’m not the type to just sit around and watch the grass grow. But my body tells me I must. Ordinary things tire me out. A friend of mine sent me a card. The picture is a bear lying in a stream with its head on a rock. The inscription: “Sit back…relax.” And that is what I must do.

Thanks to all of you for your cards, prayers and phone calls. You are all very special people. To all the children thanks for your cards, pictures and messages of love. Father Harry came to visit last Sunday after celebrating the 9:30 a.m. Mass. He told me the church was packed with young families and lots of children. I said welcome to the best parish in the Archdiocese. Thanks also to our wonderful staff who have picked up the pieces and carry on the excellent ministry. I’ve also learned that I am not indispensable. They even had a staff meeting without me! Who knows what will be next!

I will be back, hopefully in time for Holy Week and Easter. Continue to pray for me and Father Joe as we are also praying for you. I really look forward to getting back in April.

Continue your good work, love the Lord and each other.

Fr Bruce



Monday-March 6th
Readings: Lv 19:1-2,11-18 - Mt 25:31-46

Tuesday-March 7th
Readings: Is 55:10-11 - Mt 6:7-15

Wednesday-March 8th
Readings: Jon 3:1-10 - Lk 11:29-32

Thursday-March 9th
Readings: Est C:12,14-16,23-25 - Mt 7:7-12

Friday-March 10th
Readings: Ez 18:21-28 - Mt 5:20-26

Saturday-March 11th
Readings: Dt 26:16-19 - Mt 5:43-48

Sunday-March 11th
Readings: Gn 22:1-2,9a - Rom 8:31b-34 - Mk 9:2-10


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Monday - March 6

Mass Intention
Bob Fazio †
James Keating †
Men's Club
Passion Play
Tuesday - March 7
Mass Intention 6:30a
Rose Mosunic †
Kathleen Sullivan †
Scripture Study
Religious Education
Sr. Legion of Mary
Choir Practice
Small Hall
Mary's Chapel
Church & Hall
Wednesday - March 8
Mass Intention 6:30a
Samuel Dijanich †
John & Mara Duchi †
7th Grade Cheerleading
Grownups Soup Supper
Choir Practice
Scripture Class
Small Hall
Convent Chapel

Thursday - March 9

Mass Intention 6:30a
Helen Miller †
Cecilia Astrero †
Religious Education
Small Hall
Church & Hall
Convent Chapel

Friday - March 10

Mass Intention 6:30a
Eugenia Lucas †
Gino Stefani †
Stations of the Cross
Lenten Supper
Small Hall

Saturday - March 11

Mass Intention 8:30a
Matias Garcillano †
People of St. Robert's
Sr. Computer Class
AA Meeting
Grief Consolation
Computer Room
Mahoney Room
Convnet Chapel

Sunday - March 12

Mass Intention 7:30a
Charles & Rita Agius †
Peter Acton †
Cliff Beulow †
Mary O'Brien †
Fil/Am Choir
Jr. Legion of Mary
Confirmation Class
Passion Play
Small Hall
Mahoney Room

As a Parish Community

We pray....for those who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. May they experience the love of Christ and the love of our faith community.



Maya Isabella Martinez
Dean Bruno Pinten
Dale Clarke McCann
Jack Hunter McCann
Franco Anton Bautista


Our sincere sympathy to the families of
Bruce Mazzotti and Gary Branch
who died recently.


March 11th

Saint Robert’s Grief Support Group will hold a meeting on March 11th in the Convent Chapel from 3-4:15 p.m. (before the 4:30 p.m. Mass). Anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one—spouse, sibling, child, parent, friend or relative is invited to come and pray, share, comfort and be comforted. You are invited to bring a companion for support and strength. God bless and comfort you in your sorrow. Call Sister Patricia 589-0104 or any of the Consolation Ministry Committee.



Each Friday during Lent, at 6:00 pm, you are invited to participate in the three Lenten Disciplines: Prayer (Stations of the Cross); followed by Fasting (a light meal in Hennessy Hall) and Almsgiving (a donation to our St. Vincent de Paul Society to help members of our Parish family who are in need). There will be a box on the serving table where you can put the amount of money you would have spent on your Friday meal. The Supper on March 10th will be hosted by the Grownups.



The Grownup’s Annual Soup Supper and General Meeting will be held in Hennessy Hall on Wednesday, March 8th, at 6 pm. The meeting will follow the supper. We will have a guest speaker.

Tickets may be purchased for $8.00 each after the 4:30 pm Saturday Mass and after the 7:30 am, 9:30 am, and 11:30 am Masses on the weekends of February 25 & 26 and March 4 & 5. Last day for ticket purchase is Monday, March 6th. Tickets may also be purchased by calling Dolores Johnson or Dolores Moynihan. We look forward to seeing you at this event.



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April 6th


March 13th and 15th

It’s been a long time, since our parish has had a mission. We have one planned for March 13-15 with two representatives of Catholic Relief Services, Joseph Hastings from Seattle and Thomas Awiapo from Uganda. Their sharing on the scriptures and our everyday lives will definitely help us enter into the Lenten season. They will speak at the Masses the weekend before, so you’ll have an opportunity to meet them. The actual parish mission Monday through Wednesday will consist of presentations after the 8:30 am Mass and evening presentations at 7:30 pm in the church. (They will also be speaking to the confirmation classes and the students at St. Robert’s School, as well as at some of the high schools in the area.) Please put the dates on your calendar, so that you have an opportunity to be inspired by these two good men!

Also, we’re looking for hospitality – a place to stay for Thomas – preferably nearby, from Saturday evening through Wednesday evening. If someone has a mother-in-law apartment or similar arrangement to offer for those nights, please contact Sister Sheral at 589-2800.

Thank you. S. Sheral


March 8th

We are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of each month. If you can prepare a favorite cookie, snack or lunch item for 10 to 12 people, please drop it off at the Children's Chapel, in the back of Church, by 9 a.m. on March 8th. Please pack the items in a non-returnable container. Frozen items are ok!



Spiritual Reading will be available at St. Robert’s after the Masses on Sundays. Please take a few minutes either before or after Mass and check out a book or two that interest you. You may keep the books until you have them read. We have some books on the Library cart but we have many more in the Library/Reconciliation room.

Enjoy Reading

Dear Parishioners

We continue to ask each week that parishioners pray for the chronically ill of our parish. If you have a friend or loved one in need of our parish prayers please call the Rectory at 589-2800.

Also, please remember our Emergency prayer network that prays for specific intentions that require a concerted effort due to their critical nature. To facilitate the network, please call Michele Pipinich. The network people then pray frequently for the next 72 hours. We would appreciate a return call with the outcome so we can praise God for His faithfulness. This week we pray for:

Abbey Guthery


March 11th & 12th

Next weekend we will have an opportunity to experience a labyrinth. This is a type of walking prayer which you may have experienced at Mercy Center, Burlingame or Grace Cathedral in the City. The Christian labyrinth originated in the fourth century in Algeria and became more popular in the Middle Ages, placed at the entrance to a French or Italian cathedral. It was and is meant to help a person go deep inside to meet the God within. The difference between a labyrinth and a maze is that there are no dead-ends and the path always leads to the center. Next Saturday, March 11th from 9 am to 10 am and from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, the hall will be open for you to experience this prayerful walking if you’d like to. Sunday, the labyrinth will be available from 8:30 a.m. till 1:30 p.m. Either Sr. Sheral or Deacon John will be present to assist you if you have questions.



Our parish mission, Solidarity: Experiencing God with Us, will take place March 13-15. We are very blessed to have with us Joseph Hastings of Seattle and Thomas Awiapo of Ghana, both of whom are representatives of Catholic Relief Services. Joe and Thomas will be giving reflections at 7:30 pm in the church Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Thomas will give a half hour reflection each of these mornings after the 8:30 am Mass, about 9 am. He will also be speaking to the confirmation classes and the St. Robert’s School children. Please mark your calendar and plan to come.



TOMORROW, Monday, March 6th in Hennessy Hall.

Doors open at 6 p.m. Please come and enjoy corn beef and cabbage dinner with Murphy’s Irish soda bread. All men of the parish are welcome!!!



St. Robert’s Men's Club will be hosting the 21st Annual Golf Tournament on April 29th at Crystal Springs Golf Course, space is limited to 100 golfers. Please contact Vico Piccinini for additional information.



One of the excellent suggestions given through the parish survey was that we highlight the ministries and organizations our parish has been blessed with twice a month . This week we highlight


We are a group of parishioners some of us married, some widowed, some divorced, and some single.

  • Do you think you are middle aged? (double your age, and tell us how many people you know that age)
  • Do your joints hurt when you wake up?
  • Do you experience hot and cold when nobody else does?
  • Do you need to hold the menu across the table to read it?
  • Do your kids suddenly talk too fast for you to understand?

You get the picture if you answered yes to any of the above you definitely should belong to this group.

We meet about 6 times a year usually on a Friday evening. Some of our past activities have included annual events like our Christmas Party, a Pedro Tournament, Crab dinner, St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance, the Fun Train to Reno, Mystery trips, and this year a Giants game and a Disneyland trip.

All of our events and meetings are open to all members of the parish. Come try a meeting you are all welcome. We are extremely friendly. Our meetings include dinner and sometimes a small activity is planned afterward. The meetings are in the Parish Hall, cocktails are from 6:30 to 7:30, dinner about 7:30 and a short meeting usually after dinner.

We support the Youth Group, the CCD program, the School, Catholic Worker House, and the St. Vincent DePaul Society with cash donations annually. Dues are $10 per person per year.



Sunday at the 11:30 am Mass, St. Robert’s will send forth 10 people to St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco for the Rite of Election celebrated with our new Archbishop George Niederauer. During the Rite of Election, the Archbishop will welcome and celebrate a prayer service for Catechumens and Candidates for the Easter Sacraments from all the parishes in Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties. The celebration begins at 3 pm. You are invited to come celebrate with Tracy Benden, Robert and Linda Boyd (Linda is expecting any minute), Jamie DeSantis, Andrea Javier, Jeanne McCann, Shanon and Sarah Rosenberg, Kimberly Welch and Jennifer Ramos.


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Go to and click on the e-contributions button. The first page explains the details. There is a button to take you to the e-paluch registration page. You can register online using either your checking account or credit card. There is no cost to you for this service.


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Welcome to Lent!

Though many of us may have grown up with a negative sense of the season because it meant giving up something we enjoyed as children, the word “lent” actually means “springtime.” And none of us dreads the coming of spring with its longer days and temperate nights and its flowers, except possibly allergy sufferers!

Some of us recall what used to be said as we received the ashes, “Remember, man, that you are dust and unto dust you shall return.” I read a lovely explanation by scripture scholar Walter Brueggemann, S.J. of the true meaning of this formula. He refers to Psalm 103, v. 14 from which this line is taken: “As tenderly as a father treats his children, so Yahweh treats those who fear him; he knows what we are made of, he remembers we are dust.” In verse 17, we read, “Yahweh’s love lasts from all eternity and forever, like his goodness to their children’s children.” In Fr. Brueggemann’s understanding, the blessing with ashes doesn’t refer to our sinfulness or guilt, but to the fact that being of the earth, our very life breath depends upon God‘s graciousness which is poured out upon us at every moment. We need to remember that we are creatures, that we are dependent, which we tend to forget. We need to re-think our boundaries and not try to be like God. We are invited to remember what God remembers in Psalm 103. Our creatureliness doesn’t cause God to reject us, but to be faithful to us.

As our Lenten liturgies begin each weekend, you’ll hear the call to worship sounded three times, summoning us to prayerfully bring with us the everyday “stuff” of our lives in order to offer those people and situations to God during the Eucharist. Liturgy means “the work of the people” and this is when we are most fully the Church. As God’s own beloved people, this is what we do best: sing and pray and receive the Body and Blood of the Lord, then go out to share the love we experience with our broken world which needs it so badly. Listen deeply to the songs you’ll be singing and let the words sink in. Change our hearts, we pray, so that we may grow and blossom into a people of deeper hope, more active love and living faith.

May we open ourselves this Lent so that the Spirit may do wonders in us and, through us, transform our neighborhoods and our world.

Peace, S. Sheral


Please consult for their analysis of H.R. 4437, the Border Protection, Anti-Terrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. It proposes draconian measures to tighten the borders, makes being in this country without documents a felony and subjects anyone offer humanitarian aid to serious legal penalties. Network is a Catholic legislative group which brings the Church's social justice teaching to political affairs and which encourages comprehensive, compassionate immigration reform. H.R.4681, the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, aims to punish the Palestian people for their recent elections by cutting off humanitarian aid, prohibiting diplomatic relations, and denying funding from international institutions. Please let your congresspersons know your feelings about these measures.


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March 11th and 12th

Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Mass

Eucharistic Ministers R. Aveson (C), C. Carter, C. Browne,
C. Holland, J. Finnegan, A. Ciraulo,
M. Ciraulo, B. Castro-Leon, J. Quinn
Lector J. Cronin
Altar Servers P. Cantane and J. Frank

Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Mass

Eucharistic Ministers E. Ruggiero (C), Y. Giuseponi, J. Albright,
B. Mullins, Y. Olcomendy
Lectors R. Rolfes and A. Reyes
Altar Servers R. Rolfes and J. Thomson
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Mass
Eucharistic Ministers V. Yanke (C), J. Yanke, G. Tolentino,
C. Zolezzi, M. Lopez, M. Saisi,
M. Blumenthal, L. Cesca, J. Kelly
Lectors M. Parasdas and M. Compton
Altar Servers C. Lopez and J. Prieto
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. Mass
Eucharistic Ministers G. May (C), H. Madayag, H. Mantler,
L. Jovero, A. Maron, J. Yee, C. Pacas,
R. Benavente, R. Pacas, F. Firpo
Lectors M. Cadiz and T. Tannis
Altar Servers N. Valle and P. Bouey-Suen

Sunday, 5:00 p.m. Mass

Eucharistic Ministers J. Schaukowitch (C), J. Arellano, C. Hawkins,
V. Hawkins, Van Hawkins, B. Rodriguez,
J. Landholt, P. Landholt, D. Katches
Lector Confirmation Lector
Altar Servers Me Jauregui and Mt Jauregui

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