Saint Robert's Catholic Church & School
Saint Robert's Church - 1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066-4794
Phone: (650) 589-2800
FAX: (650) 588-9628
Saint Robert's School - 345 Oak Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066-4709
Phone: (650) 583-5065
. . . . . FAX: (650) 583-1418

Find Saint Robert's on Google Maps

Mass Intentions

October 7 thru October 13, 2024

10/07, Monday 8:15am

Jim Diggins

10/08, Tuesday 8:15am

Walter Santilli

10/09, Wed. 8:15am

Corazon Gonzales

10/09, Wed. 8:15am

Maria Yvette Piano

10/10, Thursday 8:15am

Renae Ferreira

10/10, Thursday 8:15am

Veronica Piano

10/11, Friday . 8:15am

John & Josephine Dentoni

10/11, Friday . 8:15am

Allen Glynn

10/11, Friday . 8:15am

Marty McCullagh

10/12, Saturday 8:15am

Maria Sanchez–Chan

10/12, Saturday 4:30pm

Anica Kovacevic

10/12, Saturday 4:30pm

Betty Hollett

10/13, Sunday 7:30am

Emilia & Eduardo Gandeza

10/13, Sunday 9:30am

Jordan Chavez

10/13, Sunday 9:30am

Eduardo Dean

10/13, Sunday 11:30am

People of St. Robert’s

10/13, Sunday 5:00pm

Norma Gravadon

10/13, Sunday 5:00pm

Renae Ferreira

October 14 thru October 20, 2024

10/14, Monday 8:15am

Prudencio & Fe Castillo

10/14, Monday 8:15am

Maria Sanchez-Chan

10/15, Tuesday 8:15am

Suzanne Somers

10/15, Tuesday 8:15am

Dorothy Mangold

10/16, Wed. 8:15am

Giuseppe Pignati

10/16, Wed. 8:15am

Renae Ferreira

10/17, Thursday 8:15am

Patrocinio & Encarnacion Cruz

10/17, Thursday 8:15am

Anna Angelini

10/18, Friday . 8:15am

Rudy Mazzetti

10/18, Friday . 8:15am

Alex Rohleder

10/19, Saturday 8:15am

Dominador & Ligava Garcia

10/19, Saturday 4:30pm

Peggy Hulsman

10/20, Sunday 7:30am

Renae Ferreira

10/20, Sunday 9:30am

Michael Jay

10/20, Sunday 9:30am

Maria Sanchez-Chan

10/20, Sunday 11:30am

Adelberto Castillo

10/20, Sunday 5:00pm

People of St. Robert’s

= Deceased

= Deceased


July 1st, 2024 to October 6th, 2024 Goal


07/01/2024 to 06/30/2025 Weekly Goal


Weekly Collection Oct. 6, 2024 (actual)


July 1st, 2024 to October 6th, 2024 (actual)


Weekly Collection Sept. 29, 2024 (actual)


Weekly Collection Sept. 22, 2024 (actual)


Weekly Collection Sept. 15, 2024 (actual)


e-Contributions for the month of Sept. 2024


Thank you for your generosity !


2024 Archdiocesan Annual Appeal - our goal is $108,670


As of October 6, 2024, we have received $64,940. from our generous parishioners.
Pledges made as of October 6, 2024 are $71,330.
We are still in need of your generous donations of $43,729.

Any surplus towards our goal will be returned to us for our own needs.

February 23, 2024

Archdiocesan Annual Appeal 2024 VIDEO


Thursday, August 15th

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Friday, November 1st

Solemnity of All Saints

Monday, December 9th

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Wednesday, December 25th

Nativity of the Lord - Christmas

Parish News & Announcements

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Pastor's Update

Fr. Arnold Zamora

October 11, 2024

Things you may want to know this week.


Another busy Sunday weekend this 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time!

a. We will have Children’s Liturgy at the 9:30am. Mass. Children ages 3 - 7 are invited to join in the Little Church after the Collect (Opening Prayer) of the Mass.

b. It’s the
Faith and Blue Weekend. The San Bruno Police Department will host our Hospitality after the 11:30am. Mass as they engage and interact with our community.

c. We will have the
Brown Scapular Enrollment at the 5:00pm Mass. By receiving the brown scapular, you will now belong to the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular, and will participate in all the spiritual benefits of the Order of Mount Carmel obtained through the mercy of Jesus Christ. It is an outward sign of an interior devotion worn in complete simplicity.
A rosary procession to the St. Joseph Grotto will immediately follow from the front of the church.

Give GP a break! Well, that means I will be the choir and choirmaster at all the Masses that I will not be celebrating.


About last Sunday.

The Living Rosary was a beautiful expression of a community praying together! It was quite moving to see the young and the old, even the elderly who are physically challenged, praying the beads in several languages. We thank the Legion of Mary for this initiative, especially Jun Abellana and Ricky Inting.

b. Thank you to those who responded to the
Archdiocesan Annual Campaign last weekend. Our "giving thermometer" has gone up. We received several pledges and enrollments to the 1% Club, including a $1,000 cash donation, which was secretly dropped in our mailbox. Thank you very much to our anonymous donor for silently hoping for the success of this year's campaign!


The Archdiocesan Filipino Ministry will hold the 12th Annual Gala/Dinner at the Patron Hall of our St. Mary’s Cathedral this Sunday at 5:30pm. Our priest band called “Levites” will play again in this event.


In observance of the Indigenous People Day, the parish office and school will be closed this Monday, October 14, 2024.


All the Ministry Leaders and/or their representatives are invited to a meeting this Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 7:00pm in the church

Fr. Arnold

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Fr. Arnold Zamora

(Father Arnold Zamora)

October 11, 2024

Dear St. Robert’s parishioners and friends,

Happy Feast Day of St. Francis, with a song of peace in my heart.

"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin in ME!"

Peace of mind is more precious than fame and fortune.

Let us not forget that a clear conscience is the softest pillow to sleep on.
May GOD always bless us with:

...Peaceful thoughts as we grow older,

...Simple wisdom when we face difficulties,

...Quiet moments and restful hours when the day is long.

...Above all, may we have HIS loving presence every moment of our lives.

Have a peaceful day.

Be blessed and be a blessing,

Fr. Arnold


Parish Purpose Statement - Our parish purpose is to illuminate and build an inclusive community through worship, service and formation, in joyful furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to be witnesses to the love of God.

The Next Generation Parish Team is hard at work. Click Here for updates and how you can get involved with improving our Parish

Parish Vision Statement -
St. Robert’s shines with the light and love of the Catholic Church. We share our spirituality through a fellowship of the heart while remaining committed to living the Gospel through service to all, actively bringing peace and joy to the community.

Parish Values

VIRTUE We are a parish realizing our mission through faithfulness in prayer as we spread a message of Hope in our community.

SERVICE We are called by the Gospel to share our blessings from God and meet the needs of others.

HOSPITALITY We are a welcoming community demonstrating the love of Christ to all through our actions.

Three Parish Priorities

EVANGELIZATION - Based on a strong foundation of catechesis, members of the St. Robert’s parish community are called to live and preach the Gospel to our brothers and sisters in Christ both within the parish and to the greater community.

COMMUNICATION - Opening channels for community interaction and dialogue, and sharing of logistical information to promote the warmth of our parish community.

PARTICIPATION - Building a stronger parish that gives members a sense of belonging, leading them to a greater involvement in liturgies and ministries.

Mass Schedules
Most Masses will be available On-Line
Sunday 7:30am and 5:00pm Masses are NOT available On-Line.



Monday thru Saturday 8:15am Masses

Community Rosary


Monday thru Friday before 8:15am Masses

Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion


Wednesday after the 8:15 am Mass

Saturday Vigil Mass


Saturday 4:30pm Mass



Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am & 5:00pm Masses

Sacrament of Penance (Confession)


Saturday 3:30pm thru 4:15pm

Community Rosary


Monday thru Friday before the 8:30am Masses

Perpetual Help Devotion


Wednesday after the 8:30am Mass



There is a period of preparation for the celebration of this Sacrament. Parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptismal class. Contact the Parish Office in advance to make arrangements.


Confirmation Preparation is a two-year program. Students usually begin in 7th Grade, with the Sacrament of Confirmation received in 8th Grade. Please contact the Religious Ed office for more information.

Adult Confirmation - please contact
Mary Hile-Nepfel. (650) 589-2800


Our Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring the Eucharist to the sick or homebound. Contact the Parish Office.


Call the Parish Office in case of serious illness and before surgery and hospital care.


There is a six month period of preparation for the celebration of this Sacrament. Contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.

Parish Office: (650) 589-2800

Rev. Arnold E. Zamora - Pastor

Rev. 'Boie' Bonifacio G. Espeleta, Jr. - Parochial Vicar

Rev. Stewart Wilber - Sunday Assistant

Deacon John Meyer - Pastoral Associate

Mr. Gianpaolo "GP" Eleria - Music Director

Ms. Rose Aragon - Office Manager/Bookeeper

Mrs. Lisa Gonzalez - Parish Secretary/Receptionist

Mr. Edgar Ceja - Interim Principal - School Principal (K-8)

Ms. Joanne Bartolotti - Religious Ed Coordinator Parish School of Religion Education (CCD)

Mrs. Leslie Fong - Religious Ed Coordinator Parish School of Religious Education (C.C.D.)

Mary Hile-Nepfel - Director, RCIA

Mr. Edgar Ceja - Religion Director for St. Robert School

Travis Wingate - Director of Youth Group Ministry

Priests and other Parish Leaders

Links to:

Archdiocese of San Francisco for General Public

Archdiocese of San Francisco for Staff, Volunteers & Clergy

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Vatican Web Site (English)

How is Easter Sunday determined?